Purdue Computer Science Chances

I was wondering what chance I had to get into computer science at Purdue
My SAT 1520
My Unweighted GPA: 3.77
I am a Washington Resident, I also did running start at Bellevue College my junior year and doing it now senior year

Your stats are in the ballpark for CS at Purdue. I would encourage you to apply.

GPA is a bit low but SAT score is above typical admits. What is your weighted GPA/how rigorous has your course work been?

Along with EC and essays, there’s a lot of data missing that prevents making a very informed comment.

The provided data excludes “slam dunk admit” and “no chance” - you’re somewhere in the range, depending on the other data.

Did you apply in November? It gets more difficult waiting until the regular decision cycle.

The problem isn’t getting in or not. If you’re from WA, going out of state means paying triple the tuition cost. Even if you got in, there’s that small problem of paying for Purdue. It’s like seeing 2 identical Toyota Camrys. One costs 20,000, and the other one is 80,000. Which one would you choose?

For a degree as employable as CS, it’s simply not worth it. Being in the industry myself, I can tell you it doesn’t matter where you go. After about 3 years of experience, employers won’t even ask where you went, because they’re going to be more concerned about finding qualified candidates for a job that’s been vacant for 5 months. I went to a regional state university. In my last job search, I’ve interviewed at Amazon, Google, GA Tech, and a number of fortune 500 companies. You’re much better off staying in-state.

Good luck @sudvana. Purdue is a high quality school for CS and has a great track record for graduates. My son also appplied and is anxiously awaiting for Jan 15.

I am an IT Executive and if I saw a resume from a Purdue grad, I would take notice for sure.