Purdue Data Science major, can I double major with CS?

I got admitted into data science major for fall-2021. CS is my first choice major. I am wondering what are the chances of double majoring with CS? I heard that admit/transfer to CS is very difficult. But given that data science is also offered by department of computer science, how hard is for data science student to get into and do double major with CS course work seems very similar to that of computer science except for few stats courses.

My understanding is that it is possible: Dual Degree Policy - College of Science - Purdue University

Not sure of the logistics though. You may want to reach out to your department to ask about the specifics.

thanks for the info. course work between DS and CS seems to very similar except for few courses, so wondering if there is any cap/selection process to do dual major with CS

As noted in the link above:

College of Science students will work with their advisors to review the CODO requirements of an additional program(s) in the College of Science to determine eligibility.

So it appears to be the same requirements as switching to CS as a major, which is challenging. I imagine it’s become more difficult since this article - CS hopefuls struggle to enter program