Purdue Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

I just called Purdue Admissions and they said they are releasing SATURDAY and NOT Friday and that Reddit is WRONG.


I can’t imagine that Purdue put out a statement that begins “Decisions will begin releasing…”. I’d think that they have a pretty good grasp of basic grammar.


I haven’t seen anything on the Purdue official sites to say they are releasing early.


Just to be clear, room and board are not technically tuition. Has only tuition been frozen, or has room and board cost also been frozen?

One can opt to purchase single room campus housing, and one can also opt to purchase off-campus housing (I thought I read it was allowed for Freshman to live off-campus; I may be wrong).

I would believe the Purdue official site which states results will be out on 1/15.
If it does come out on the 14th, well it is great

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Room and board has been frozen as well.

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I suspect Purdue, one of the top engineering schools in the world, understands statistics well enough to recognize that kids are just applying to more schools earlier than in the past, and that they have not magically found a new source of applicants that did not exist before. If Purdue, and every peer university, has a huge spike in EA applications, it just means that they are pulling from the RD pool and kids are applying to more schools. There aren’t necessarily more kids applying just to Purdue and no where else.

More applications does not necessarily mean a big change in admissions standards.


Except that last year, Purdue overenrolled. Therefore, if apps are up quite a bit over last year, it’s possible that they need to adjust their admission criteria. The value equation appears to be resonating.

My counselor got an email from them that they are releasing tomorrow at 5 pm. She just told me 20 minutes ago.


Did not know counselors get special emails. Purdue can send the same email to applicants or update the portal with the new release date.

I cannot reveal in this thread the circumstances of how/why my counselor would be relevant to receive an email otherwise I would be doxxing myself, but you can PM me and I will tell you.

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Exactly this.

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Yes: tuition for the past 11 years, and room/board for the past 10 years.


Yes, also frozen. I’m pretty sure my daughter’s bottom line number - tuition, room, board, fees, etc., was the same all four years (adjusted for room/meal plan changes)

I found this story to be interesting, from the school President (affectionately known on campus as Daddy Daniels). It also has details on other costs.

So the cost of a year of undergraduate college at Purdue University, tuition and fees, is $9,992. I’m proud of that number.

One day I’m looking at one of those college guides, and it said, ‘Tuition and fees: $10,002.’ I called up our people and said, ‘Lookit here, there’s a mistake. You got the wrong number.’ They said, ‘That’s not a mistake.’ I said, ‘Yes, it is. Believe me. I know.’ They went back and checked and they said, ‘No, that’s the right figure.’

It just bugged me to death. Does Walmart have a special and price it at $10.02? I found out what happened. There’s a second installment on a preexisting gym fee that got tacked on. Ten dollars plus $9,992 equals $10,002.

Next time I’m at the gym, I ask the guy who runs it, ‘How’s it going here?’ He said, ‘Membership’s up; we’re doing well, making a little profit.’ I thought, Okay, that’s all I needed to know. And the next meeting of the board of trustees, they repealed that fee.
So now we’re back to $9,992,”


Thank you for sharing. OOS applicant parent here…and we see how much value there is in Purdue. Their OOS tuition is drastically lower than other schools, making it a viable OOS option for a quality education. Best of luck to all the Purdue applicants (who will soon be receiving their decisions).

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Thank you! Really anxious here! I applied CS from OOS. Best of luck!


All the best to everyone for the decisions either coming out tomorrow or Saturday.



Just talked to another counselor and they said Purdue will be releasing decisions tomorrow.
A few key points he mentioned:

  • EA applications have increased over 20% from last year
  • With the goal of not overenrolling like last year, admissions was more competitive and many qualified students are being admitted to their second major or an “exploratory studies” field.

Source: A counselor got an email about it

Best of luck, folks!


My counselor got that same email that they are releasing decisions tomorrow, so seems safe to say we will find out then!

I have a friend who applied for nursing, and her dad was talking to someone in admissions and they said they are accepting less applicants this year despite receiving more applications (this is just nursing specific), so it will be interesting to see how that applies to other popular majors like CS.

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I am hearing about this 20% or so increase in EA applications from many colleges this year.
I am thinking that students normally applying RD have applied EA this year.
So, should not impact overall acceptance rate.