Purdue Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

Does anyone know when will the EA decisions come out?

I think it should be sometime in mid-Jan. I remember to have seen Jan 15th in some forum.


January 15

Check Your Application Status - Undergraduate Admissions - Purdue University.


This site gives EA decision dates for many colleges - Class of 2026 Early Decision and Early Action Notification Dates - College Kickstart

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2 weeks till decisions, how does everyone feel about their chances?

Not great. Anxiously waiting

what are your stats and what did you apply for

My stats are;
Major: CS
UW -3.6
W - 4.1
SAT - 1350

You’ve definitely got a good shot then

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Not to be a negative Nancy, but Purdue CS is EXTREMELY competitive. I believe the average SAT is somewhere around a 1450 for it. And if one is out of state it is definitely much harder
I’d imagine you would need a 1500+ oos to be competitive for it. It’s a lot different than admission for Krannert or something like psychology.


Not an expert at gauging admit chances but I know someone who works at Purdue and they were able to pull up the SAT median for last cycle’s CS admits. It was around 1450. The same person also mentioned EA apps are significantly up (>25% increase) so I imagine all of the thresholds will move up this year. In state vs OOS will make a huge difference.


Only school data is publicly available, not by major, but median admitted SAT scores for in-state and out-of-state differ by 85 points for the entire College of Science, and 70 points for Engineering, which is probably closest to CS.

If 1450 is accurate, this could mean ~1470-1480 average and 1410-1530 interquartile for OOS.

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Wait so I understand that in-state vs. OOS will be a big differentiation between applicants this cycle, but just how much easier is it to get in IS than OOS?

Walk me through the logic of why all the thresholds will move up. Is this year’s nationwide graduating class of high school seniors materially smarter than last year’s? Unless the overall quality of total population has changed, all that is happening is the same kids are either A) applying to more schools, and/or B) applying to schools earlier. I think Purdue’s admissions department is smart enough to realize that it is unlikely that there is a material difference in overall quality between this year’s senior class and last year’s senior class.

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Can’t believe they’re coming in two weeks. Could someone chance me for CS?

1470 SAT
3.97 UW
4.54 W
Top 8% of class
Very strong course rigor

maybe an 80%?

I would say pretty good.

Like I said, I am no expert in these matters. I am assuming the influx of apps is driven by greater OOS interest. In just CA, Purdue has a solid reputation and is increasingly looked up on as an option by kids who are frustrated by the rapidly falling cs admit rates within the top UCs. If this assumption is true, then I would imagine the pool getting more competitive and the SAT thresholds increasing. Either way, this might just be the eternal pessimist in me. For my S22’s sake, I hope you are right.

edit: I mentioned CA because the state flagships are SAT blind while Purdue highly recommends SAT submission. I wouldn’t be surprised a lot of high-SAT CA kids flocking to Purdue to maximize their chances to have at least one elite CS option.

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80% I’ll get in?

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my opinion, yeah but I don’t really know, just speculation