Purdue Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

Applying 1st to FYE. Stats are right on the edge… 2nd choice Polytechnic. It will be what it will be!

Good luck! It is very stressful, no matter what! There are a number of weed out classes in fye and then again sophomore year. My son studies about 10 hours a day to get good grades. It isn’t easy for anyone and is A LOT of work for everyone. That being said, he’s becoming more intelligent by the week and learning how to learn incredibly difficult material.

Yeah I’m worried, it’s just my SAT is my weak point, everything else I’m average or better.

What’s your SAT?

I think average admitted student metrics will be up due to Test Optional, not due to increased volume. If students followed advice and only provided scores above the median, and it truly isn’t a differentiator so the same students are admitted, the new mid point will be ~last year’s 75% number (it will also be much less meaningful/indicative of the class).

it won’t work exactly that way, but Pitt’s 21-22 CDS is out (they are always one of the first), and the mid-point is up 30 points, halfway between last year’s midpoint and 75%.

NYU has stated an admitted average of 1540, up from a 1390-1510 IQ on their last CDS. This will fall when it gets to enrolled vs. admitted, but I bet it will around the previous 1510 75% number.

As I’ve said elsewhere, CDS data and advice on what scores to submit next year is going to be a mess.

1180 (620 M) I know it’s low, but my academics are well above their average

This is an excellent analysis.

However as I am sure you are aware, its important to remember the rankings are a mathematical formula that change in weights and/or metrics (variables) over the years, so its not consistent. So with each tweak, some schools will go up and some will go down just due to the change in calculation.

For example, in 2019 they changed the metrics in dropping admission rate and adding in social mobility factors.
In 2020 they added percentage of first generation college students that graduate. etc…
2020-What changed in how the 2020 U.S. News Best Colleges rankings were calculated? - WTOP News
2021- 'U.S. News' tweaks its methodology
That said, excellent analysis

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Just a point specifically about Purdue - they were not test optional this year, they were test “flexible.” If you have a score, they expect it to be sent (and they know which areas had cancellations and which didn’t). I bet next cycle they will go back to scores required.

*For Spring, Summer, and Fall 2022, Purdue is test flexible . This means that if a student can take an SAT or ACT, we prefer they do so. However, we recognize that possible cancellations and postponement of national standardized tests due to pandemic restrictions may be impacting students’ applications. With that in mind, we will move forward and review any application from a student who is unable to take a standardized test.


I believe that Howard University is a private institution (HBCU). But I’m sure that it has many Pell Grant recipients, as well.

Indeed it is. Along with Morehouse and Spelman.

I couldn’t find info on its first gen or Pell Grant percentages from its CDS but I suspect it is high because Howard improved by 21 spots in 2019 and 24 spots in 2021. Meanwhile, Purdue was unchanged in 2019, down one in 2020 and improved by four in 2021.

Flat tuition for eleven years has made Purdue a bargain. It certainly stands out as a value relative to all of the Big 10 with Michigan and NW potentially worth the extra cost.

Hoping 1500 SAT (790 math, 710 reading) and 4.4 WGPA 3.85 UWGPA (B’s in AP Gov and one semester of college writing) from OOS will help me get admitted. It is my number one choice school for FYE. It just seems like the stats are so high for getting in everywhere!! Jan 15th can’t come quick enough!

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Yes. There was a publication a few years ago – from the New America Foundation, I think – which discussed the funding models of different schools, and which ones relied heavily on Pell Grant students and which ones didn’t; it made for some interesting reading.

I completely agree; I have a son who is a senior at Purdue, and my wife and I are very grateful to Mitch Daniels and the Purdue BOT for holding that line (and 10 years of keeping housing costs flat also)!

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In the same boat. I applied CS with a 1490 (700 EBRW 790 M) with a 4.54 W and a 3.97 UW (only one B in Calc BC - really hope that won’t hurt me too much). Do you think I have a good chance?

It amazes me that kiddos were able to take the SAT/ACT most places. Our part of California was shut down and tests cancelled, over and over…and when they did finally open, it was difficult to get seat. We considered traveling out of state to test as application deadlines approached.

Good luck to all! I can feel all the nerves as I read some of the threads of schools my kiddo has applied to. I see many accomplished kiddos and proud parents on here. Remember, beyond the stats is a person who has done much more and IS much more than what is seen by admissions, anywhere. You all have so much to be proud of!


Can anyone chance me for CS?
OOS, 1570 SAT, 3.8 UW GPA, top 5 percent of class, decent ECs


Looking very good for you!

Thank you. I really hope so, Purdue is my top choice right now.

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Yes my D received a similar post card from HHS as well. I am not sure if it means anything but we are waiting anxiously. Did you find out anymore more ? Thanks

Not much more than what you probably already know. My D applied 10+ schools and had seen many nice gestures from the schools to appeal to their applicants, but first time getting actual handwritten old fashioned postcard. Honestly, it appealed to me more than to my daughter, :joy:. I’m hoping she gets accepted and choose Purdue. BTW, what did your D picked for her major at HHS?