Purdue Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

The 200K is not all base salary. but if one includes Base, Bonus, Sign On Bonus, RSUs, ESPP, 401k Match, Perks like free food in many startups, Vacation Pay, Benefits etc. It all adds up. Doing Co-Ops and risking more time to get out … doesnt make sense

That is crazy… Amazing stats…

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This is a bit dated, but I am sure you saw this: https://career.berkeley.edu/Survey/2018Majors. Click through for each major.

I’m not so sure about that - the honors college acceptance letter says: “To increase your chances of receiving your preferred on-campus housing in an Honors Residential Community, if you wish to live on campus, you are encouraged to submit your Housing Contract by April 15, 2022” - so I’d say 4/15.


I saw that 4/15 suggestion also. It means a quick decision after 4/1 admissions are delivered.

I suppose unexpected yields could cause a housing shortage in the Honors Residence just as it does everywhere else.

And fwiw, the DoE salary data of over 300 students - 60% of the CS class (2019?) - reports a Year 1 salary average of $86,215 and a Year 2 of $85,981. The highest Year 2 is CMU at ~$161K. No, 20% do not make $200K/year. But if you don’t believe Purdue’s own placement data, I suppose there’s no reason to believe the DoE either.

(Tufts is $102K and $98K)

Regarding the GPA/SAT conversion - please place zero faith in anything PrepScholar posts. The site is so riddled with errors it’s not worth reading. Check out their “which schools require all SAT scores” for an example. Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, correct, wrong, wrong… ( I believe Fred has a degree in math/statistics - he should be ashamed.)


You need to know where the kids went. You don’t need to rely on school dat that may or may not include guaranteed bonus, 1/4 of the RSUs granted for first year vesting etc. Companies don’t pay different amounts for different schools grads beyond 10-20k of a negotiated signon bonus. All the new grad pay by company is public information. Tufts has a roughly 50% response rate for survey data of their CS (and other majors). I’ve counted who went where. About 25% of the graduating class has done very well. We’ve discussed Tufts adnauseum at home :slight_smile: Because it was a serious contender for ED2, even though I felt some of the teaching faculty was a bit lacking in quality. We thought we couldn’t ignore the quality of placements.

As I said, you’ve made it clear won’t believe any other data, so the discussion is pointless.

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I’m a little confused about honors vs. Goss for a FYE. Usually you have to apply for a Learning Community. If you’ve been accepted to FYE and the Honors College, do you have to complete the application for Goss (the Honors Engineering Learning Community)? I see conflicting information on the website, but maybe I’m just confused. Anyone have any info.?

It’s my understanding that if you are FYE and in the Honors College that you are automatically also a Gods Scholar.

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Edit to mean Goss Scholar. My phone autocorrected Goss to Gods, :woman_facepalming:t2:

That’s new! Thanks for letting me know!

All honors engineers are automatically Goss scholars. No further application needed. At least that’s how it’s been in the past.

Co ops can make a great deal of sense in building work experiences, making connections, and for some, helping to pay for college along the way. Co op students command higher starting salaries post graduation and start off in higher level positions.

There is no one size fits all which is why the co op optional model works so well.


Little bit late but
S22 OOS got accepted FYE, no honors or merit
4.26W 32act,5 APs until Senior year, This year 6 AP’s for 11 total.
Competitive HS
no real EC’s just community service
Good essays


ucsuuw, TH? Did you mean RHIT? Rose Hulman has a lovely self contained campus. The problem is that it isn’t even in beautiful, scenic Terre Haute, it is off of Rt 40 four miles away from downtown Terre Haute. To go to a restaurant, see a movie, do anything, one must get in a car. It is pretty isolated.

In contrast, Pitt and CMU are in the Oakland neighborhood of Pittsburgh, which is filled with bars, restaurants, retail, museums, etc. CWRU is in a great neighborhood surrounded by retail, restaurants, museums and music venues. Even Purdue has shopping, restaurants, etc. walking distance from campus.


Do all FYE kids live together then?

All honors FYE students live together. Those not in honors have the choice of opting for a LLC (living learning community) in which case they may have a floor together, or just in normal dorm housing.

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My daughter was deferred also, 4.0 GPA, 5 AP’s. 3 sport athlete, NHS, key club and other EC. She did not submit test scores, I am guessing that is what caused the deferral.

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Don’t forget Kettering (formerly GMI), where coops are the defining feature of their the engineering program. Students graduate in five years with two years of paid, meaningful work experience. Much of GM’s senior management, including their current CEO started their education at GMI/Kettering.

My son would have applied there except 1. it is not ranked very highly, 2. it is in Flint, and 3. it is run-down and appears to lack resources. There are better schools that offer extensive coop programs, like Purdue or Northeastern.

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Here is something that happened recently. My son was telling me that one of his friends took a gap year and went to work for a startup. In my mind, this is a little bit like a coop. He couldn’t wait to finish because they were giving him pre-ipo equity. Then the startup had a liquidity event and he is now free to leave. Now he wanted to come back and finish up his degree – I think after 1 or 2 years. Many of his very well meaning and concerned friends are dissuading him from doing this. They said a “dropout” is a status that is worth serious prestige further down the road if he tries to raise VC money himself. Going to finish is considered such a lame thing to do :-). I thought this was bizarre. But apparently this is a serious issue.