Purdue Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

I toured all the Engineering buildings. They all had incredible facilities. The students who lead the tour were so proud to be in Engineering at Purdue. It is my number one choice. 9 more days of waiting!! I also loved the dorms I toured, the friendliness of the students and multicultural environment. The students all seemed so content to be there.


DreamerMom, I would be amazed if your accomplished daughter did not get accepted to Purdueā€™s Polytechnic program. You need to let us know when she gets in.


We were not able to do an official tour, but the two engineering students who ran our engineering information meeting were impressive.

Thank you so much for the words of encouragement! Will report back on 15th either way.

we had THE WORST engineering info session. It was almost comical. It didnā€™t change much for us; we actually live in West Lafayette and have lots of Purdue friends. But we laugh at how bad it was and kind of felt sorry for the students who traveled for it.

Need to schedule a tour for my son though - he needs to do the real thing.

I canā€™t wait for decisions to release as well. I really really want to go to Purdue for engineering (to study CS) but Iā€™m super nervous. Iā€™m OOS, 1470 (770 M), 3.97 UW, 4.54 W with super strong course rigor (taking Calc III as a senior) and top 8% of my class. Just super scared because my one and only B was in AP Calc BC (got a 5 on the exam though). Canā€™t wait!

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Iā€™m pretty confident they will use the published concordance. Looking at the data and concordance, just picking a point, Engineering was 31.8 and 1410 in the last pre-pandemic class. The top 31 corresponds to 1400 score and the bottom 32 to 1410.

My daughter (just graduated MechE) was admitted with a 31 superscore (30.5 or 30.75, iirc) and ~3.75. Admitted averages have climbed less than a point since then, and 32 is above the average for Engineering, the school with the highest average. Even for CS, likely the only individual major thatā€™s higher, a 32 is probably still very competitive.

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rd, I assume that you worked into your application that you earned a 5 on BC Calc. My son only got a B+ in AP Physics (it was known as the hardest teacher/class at his high school), but he got a 5 on the AP exam. Good luck to you with Purdue.

I didnā€™t really put it in an essay or anything; I just listed that I got a 5 under my AP exam scores on my application

That should be fine

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What do you all think my chances are for CS?

1530 SAT (730R/800M)
4.45 GPA (All Aā€™s since freshman year)
Ranked top 3% of class

President of NHS (Formerly treasurer)
Minor involvement in other activities but I have several that relate to CS including a small side project

Iā€™m just kinda nervous with a week to go so I was wondering where you think I stand

Thank you much for chiming in. I sincerely appreciate your input. Just curious, based on your name it appears your from. Pitt. Did your daughter consider Pitt? Thanks

My guess is you should have no problem getting in.


Does Purdue have branches/satellite campuses that are much easier to get into? I just looked at our high school Scoir and every student in the last two years who applied got accepted into Purdue - kids with marginal stats for sure, like 22-24 on the ACT up to a 35. Looks like about 15 kids total, we are a private school in a neighboring state.

Yes, there are satellite campuses, and yes, they are much easier to get into.

That said, some majors are easier to get into than others, and they are a D1 school so also recruit athletes with lower stats.

My older daughter that I mentioned did apply to Pitt for Engineering, and was admitted. It was behind her top 2, Purdue and Virginia Tech and probably fell somewhere around 4-5 of the seven schools to which she applied. Lehigh was probably a distant 3rd, Case and Maryland at the bottom, Pitt in the mix with Ohio State.

My younger, with a strong stronger academic profile, did not apply this year as a CS major. Penn State was her ā€œlocalā€ safety school, with a stronger CS program.

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Hopefully, she will make it to CMU.
BTW - does she do robotics? Many good teams of FIRST Robotics in the area.

Can someone chance me for Accounting at Krannert? GPA UW 3.43 SAT 1280. Very good ECā€™s

Good change based on the average test scores and GPA from the most recent freshman class:




