Purdue Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

Can someone chance me for Purdue EA? This next week is going to be so stressful. Purdue is my first choice.

US Citizen
TX resident
Highly competitive public high school
Male, Hispanic, Asian, and White

First Year Engineering, Mechanical Engineering Major

Unweighted HS GPA: 3.91/4.0
Weighted HS GPA: 5.23/5.0
Non-ranking high school
SAT: 1500 (750 reading; 750 math)

AP World History:4
AP US History: 5
AP Physics: 4
AP Physics C: testing in May
AP Calculus AB: testing in May
AP Economics: testing in May
Dual Credit Community College: American Lit, British Lit, Government, Spanish 1 and 2 (All As/4.0)
All other core classes Honors/Advanced
5 Engineering Courses
Chinese 1 and 2

National Merit Commended
College Board National Hispanic Recognition Program Scholar
Community College Chancellorā€™s Honor Roll
Junior Varsity Wrestling 2nd place District

Varsity Football- 4 years (Academic All-State first team and Academic All-District)
Varsity Wrestling- 2 years
Theatre (acting and directing)- 4 years
Aerospace Club- 4 years, current president, past Secretary
National Honor Society - 2 years

Part-time job (20-25 hrs/week): host and busser at chain restaurant- 1 year

Volunteering: 175 hours total
Service trip to Manila, Philippines (1 week)
Local food bank- 75 hours
Local youth sports- 50 hours

Strong essays and LOR

COA within budget

What are my chances for mechanical engineering as an OOS student?

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There is no reason why you are not accepted.

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Thatā€™s an amazing resume. Congratulations on your achievements and I am confident you will be accepted

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Wow too good. Purdue will surely admit you. Relax and enjoy your week

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Could someone chance me as well for Purdue EA?

Computer Science
Indian Male
Competitive Public HS
3.97 UW - 4.54 W with very strong course rigor (taking Calc III right now as well)
1470 SAT (700 R 770 M)
Rank: 39/495 (top 8%)
Well-written supplemental essays

AI Intern
Summer Coding Program at Pace University
Marketing and Bus Dev Intern
Marketing Ambassador
Volunteer at a tutoring company for 6 months pre-COVID
Coursera Self-Learner (Earned Google IT Support Specialization)
Piano Player for 9+ years
NHS Member

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Wowā€¦this is a bit off topic but have any of you seen the 2022 Open Letter from Mitch Daniels? Read the ā€œWhere Are All the Men?ā€ headline and paragraph. Not sure if I even want to consider going here if I am admitted for CS as a woman.


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Just curious as to what you are referring to? Purdue actively recruits women in engineering and CS. There are way more women in honors college than men but in the end, the point is valid that more men apply to engineering and CS majors than women.


Iā€™m not going to be able to put it eloquently into words, but read this instagram post about it from a recent grad that received a lot of traction:

I donā€™t know this girl but know a couple people at Purdue doing engineering.

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"we gave back the immense societal gains of that climb because men stopped holding up their end"
Are we implying men have to be the majority and that should continue to be upheld?

"Purdue cannot solve this looming national problem, but sending out thousands of exceptional young engineers, computer scientists, and other technology experts who happen to be men is a contribution few other institutions are making."
Why is it a ā€œnational problemā€ that more women are pursuing jobs in tech/engineering, and why does that ā€œproblemā€ that needs fixing?

I donā€™t think any of this was necessary in the letter, quite frankly.


I read it as the opposite, that the NYT article that was sited implied that men didnā€™t want to marry ā€œupā€ to a more educated partner, so that somehow the onus was on women. Daniels was calling BS on that.

And that the second quote, I read as the university is committed to producing high quality engineers of any gender. We need more engineers in the US. That is an industry problem that needs addressing.


I am not sure what the issue here is. Daniels is simply stating an obvious, empirical fact: men and women self-select into different fields in college.

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Well, Mitch Daniels definitely comes across as the conservative that he is. Heā€™s also notoriously unconventional and the letter reinforces that as well. This letter notwithstanding, students at Purdue seem to really like his innovativeness and approachability.

Purdue isnā€™t trying to strive for gender parity in engineering like MIT and CMU do. However, he states that ā€œour 26% female share of engineering students is one of the nationā€™s highest.ā€ Thatā€™s laudable. Itā€™s true that he isnā€™t trying to recruit more men to nursing, pharmacy or veterinary medicine.

The letter didnā€™t improve my feelings about Purdue or Mitch Daniels. He seems smug when talking about the struggles of private universities ā€“ discounting and closures. Many of those closures appeared to be religiously affiliated colleges.

Compare with my alma materā€™s president, who has two grad degrees from Purdue. Iā€™d like to hear how Purdue is addressing the overcrowding dorms from 2021. How is it maintaining reasonably sized classrooms with the largest freshman class in the Big 10? What are the concessions that Purdue has to make in order to keep tuition and R&B the same for 10+ years?

If the statistic about only enrolling 100 African-Americans is true, I counted roughly 70 in the football, menā€™s and womenā€™s basketball rosters. In the football program, the top major is Selling & Sales Management. I saw three engineering majors and a few Polytechnic majors. This isnā€™t a Division III top-ranked LAC or STEM college so thatā€™s understandable.

Purdue is doing many things very well and is ahead of the national enrollment decline with flat tuition and higher rankings.

I think heā€™s saying highly educated women wonā€™t date down. They have fought valiantly for their rights to education, social and political equality, and vocations that were once considered only for men. Now that women have reached that pinnacle, it would be a shame if there were no available and eligible ā€œproperā€ partners for them because the men have dropped the ball by not pursuing higher careers any longer. However, Purdue to rescue ā€¦ they are turning out great men at a higher level than other universities! (And women too). Itā€™s a win/win! :wink:

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This is a response to both California and rd123456.

My cousins got into engineering (CS and another major - industry Engg) last year. Their UW GPA was around 3.6, SAT < 1400 with lots of APs, ECs.

You guys should be fine, I guess.

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75% chance

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Bruh thatā€™s so bad tho

You stand a very good chance, very good resume

Indian male and CS combination brings demographic shaping challenges as there are too many applicants to the same colleges

You will find this at every institution in STEM-focused curriculum. It is not the fault of the school that there is predominance of one gender in specific fields. It is stated that Purdue is a force trying to skew the imbalance in STEM. You cannot forsake the quality of education you would be missing from this consistently high-ranking STEM school if you chose not to attend because of something you will find at every institution.

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Strong academics but donā€™t see any leadership or disadvantage.