Purdue Early Application SAT Deadline?


I am an international student, hoping to study engineering at Purdue. I would like to apply for the early application deadline, however I want to submit my October 7th SAT scores seeing as I believe that test was my best one yet. However since Purdue wants the application to be “complete” by November 1st, I was wondering if the test scores can be sent in time for the november 1st deadline? If not, will I not be able to apply early for purdue?

I think that the SAT results will be out by October 20; if you can, tell College Board now to send them. If you have any questions, I would call the Admissions Office for clarification.

I have till Monday (October 16th) to send universities my results for free. I guess I could add Purdue in there, in hopes that they would get it ASAP?

I would; I think it takes about 10-14 days for results to get sent from College Board, from what I read. Or there is an option for express transmittal of your SAT results, although it may cost extra money.

As I mentioned, you may wish to call the Admissions Office for clarification.