Purdue Engineering vs. Virginia Tech Undecided

Hi guys,

I got into Purdue engineering, and Virginia Tech undecided. I am in-state Virginia, and V-Tech Engineering was my first choice; however, I got my backup major. Before, the transfer from V-Tech undecided to engineering was a lot easier, but now it is not a guarantee that I will get in even. I have AP credit for most of the classes necessary to transfer; however, I will still be a year behind and may have to enroll in summer classes to stay on track for a 4 year degree.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of paying around 20k extra a year (or at least my first year) to go to Purdue rather than stay in-state and try to get a transfer into V-Tech’s College of Engineering?

No advantage at all. You will have $20,000 less money. That’s it.

That is a tough call, @jjamba The $$ certainly comes into play but if you are committed to studying engineering then it’s not a good fit. Perhaps go to Purdue for a year, and if you are successful in their FYE classes then apply for a transfer to VTech. It’s not ideal, but neither is losing your dream of being an engineer. Do you have any other in-state options?