Purdue Engineering

Hi. I was accepted into Purdue Engineering among a few other engineering schools, however my financial situation prevents me from attending most of the other schools I was accepted into. I am deciding whether I should attend Purdue as I want to major in biomedical engineering; however, I know that the college of engineering has a particular major selection process. I would like hear if anyone knows how difficult it is to receive your major of choice and about BME in particular.

I was told that in the Spring Semester of FYE you select your top two choices for major within the COE. If you have a GPA of 3.2 or greater at the end of FYE, you will likely get your top choice major; below a 3.2 GPA, and it’s a bit more uncertain.

Hi! All students admitted to Purdue for Engineering are admitted into First Year Engineering where all students are required to complete certain courses before they are able to apply for a specific engineering discipline. You must get a C or above in all FYE required courses to successfully get out of FYE. If that doesn’t happen in the first year, you will remain in FYE for another semester (or two) and can retake any classes that you didn’t pass. I also believe you need at least a 2.0 overall GPA.

As for the application process, (mostly likely) Spring Semester of FYE, you select your top two choices of engineering disciplines. They say that if your GPA is a 3.2, then you are most likely going to get your first choice; however, most students get into their first choice I believe, even if their GPA is below that. BME is one of the hardest disciplines to get into, but it is very doable, and it’s always possible to change majors into BME if you aren’t initially admitted into the program.