Purdue Engineering

Purdue still lists 1/15 but there has been speculation that it will be this Friday. Historically Purdue shared on social media when they’d release if it isn’t the published date, but I haven’t seen anything yet.

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Others have reported that the Admissions Office recently confirmed the 15th at 5pm.


I will second the multiple confirmations of Sunday the 15th at ~5 pm eastern time.

My son sounds exactly like yours.

My son just found out that he got into Purdue engineering. OOS

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:smile: I hope he loves Purdue too!

EA decision came out Friday 1/13 afternoon.

So much for believing the Admissions Office. Or, most likely, the admin/work-study student that mans the phone lines.

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My son was admitted EA to his 2nd choice major Applied Physics. And though, he’d be excited to attend Purdue and loves physics, he’s weighing whether he should accept an offer at another college where he’s already been admitted to Aero Engineering. The FYE core curriculum is similar for Applied Physics and FYE. Plus Purdue has so much more to offer in aviation if he wanted to dabble in Aviation Management.

Has anyone heard how likely it is that you can transfer into Engineering after the first year? Any stats?


Just answered your question on Purdue Class of 2027 Official Thread - #101 by momofboiler1

This is the critical piece: * Students are admitted are admitted on a SPACE AVAILABLE BASIS ONLY after holistic review. Space is extremely limited. Meeting the stated minimun requirements does not guarantee admission into FYE; rather these are the minimum requirements needed for eligibility. Eligible students will be reviewed holistically and considered for acceptance on a SPACE AVAILABLE BASIS.

“Admission to First-Year Engineering is competitive. Applications will be evaluated in relation to the full cohort of applicants. Acceptance depends on the student’s qualifications, the qualifications of others in the pool, and availability of space in engineering courses and in academic advising.”

And the minimum GPA for aero is 3.4 but again, often times they are at capacity and don’t take anyone.

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My general advice is that if an applicant has an admission at a quality Engineering or CS program, that’s a better option than trying to transfer in at Purdue.

(Parent of an Engineering graduate and a current CS student).