Purdue Fall 2022 - Anyone from Bay area, CA thinking about attending this great school

My D22 recently got accepted to Purdue HHS. While we are waiting on other college decisions, i was wondering whether there is anyone from bay area, ca seriously considering Purdue. if so, let’s connect.

Have you been out there? If not and you are seriously considering it, might be worth the trip. Purdue is in a very different location to the Bay Area- beautiful campus but flat, land-locked and very bleak throughout the winter months (which would be Nov-April, give or take). Some like that, some do not.

Thanks. We are visiting the campus in April for sure - never been there before. How is the commute to the campus during winter?

My daughter is living off campus for the first time this year and is subletting a drive from campus. Roads were horrible this morning so she took the bus. She said it was awesome and actually easier than driving because their was a stop directly in front of her building.

The university does a great job clearing walks and roads and the vast majority of students are within walking distance of classroom buildings.

Thank you. that helps! How difficult is it to get to Purdue from the airport(s)? i am just worried about red eye flights and the safety issues.

There are two bus companies that run services from both Chicago and Indy. There are also ride share boards.

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Not from Bay Area, but was born In Southern Cal. I also went to high school there for a couple of years. I am now in New England. The landscape in Indiana was definitely flatter than either place I have lived. However, I loved Purdue. It is so clean, well landscaped and the students all seemed very happy to be there. Many had on Purdue gear. If I was looking at a map, they would stop and ask if I needed help finding a building. All the student tour guides seemed to love it there. I am excited to be part of a school that has so much school pride. I know an Engineering degree from Purdue will help me get a job easily when I graduate.