Purdue - Fall 2022 - Deferred from EA

I’m starting this to track folks who were deferred from the Purdue EA round. My S22 is one of those. If you were deferred, please reply and add your profile.

UW GPA: 3.7x
SAT: 1530
Major: CS
OOS Male
CS Heavy ECs
Solid leadership experiences


3.97 UW
33 ACT
Heavy leadership and CS related ECs
Heavy volunteering and varsity sports
OOS male

Deferred to business.
3.6 UW
26 ACT
LOTS of leadership and varsity sports.

Deferred ME

3.7 UW, 1550 SAT, lots of AP classes + strong ecs.

That’s insane.

Admitted to second-choice major: Business Analytics and Information Management (didn’t get into CS)
1470 SAT
3.97 UW
Very strong course rigor
Solid CS ECs with a mix of business ECs
OOS Asian Male

Deferred FYE
1520 SAT
International HS
Good ECs and essays

S22 deferred for FYE
3.95 GPA
1560 SAT
8 APs
8 Honors
Lots of ECs (Class VP, Civil Air Patrol officer, Robotics Shop Lead, Tutor, etc.)
Varsity hockey, baseball, sailing

Deferred computer engineering
1490 SAT
National skater, good essay(think so)
MUN, internship
4 honors etc

UW GPA: 3.91
SAT: 1530
Major: CS
Rank: does not rank
OOS Male (CA)
Decent amount of APs
CS heavy ECs,
Robotics design lead, Won state last year.

You may want to consider BS in Cybersecurity! Not too many colleges offer this major. Cyber is close to CS. Polytechnic is getting a New massive building that will be open by Fall and Cybersecurity has dedicated internships and excellent employability prospects.


S22 deferred FYE
OOS Male (MA)
UW GPA: 3.93; WGPA: 4.66
6 AP’s
SAT: 1400
Volunteering, Varsity sports (Captain 3x), Lots of EC’s including Engineering-related
HS does not rank but in the top 5-6 of class.

D22 deferred ME
6 AP’s 1480 SAT (790 Math)
Strong EC’s multiple hrs courses
Varsity basketball ( all 4 yrs)
Volunteering and multiple clubs including National hrs society. Commended student

UW 3.7 gpa

In state
3.91 UW
1510 SAT
Multiple APs and CS courses
Leadership experience in clubs

Can you edit to add major? CS, I presume.

Pretty shocking esp in state


I would expect an eventual admit with those stats. Shows what a crazy year this is going to be.

My son was denied for Engineering
SAT 1560
GPA 3.7 unweighted/ 4.25 weighted, 9AP classes, 4s on exams

Did not get second option, just denied, Commended Scholar, 2 Varsity Sports, NHS, community service