Purdue - Fall 2022 - Deferred from EA

Just my 2 cents. I think there is still a good chance. I sense they are being a bit more picky this year after turning away very talented applicants in RD last year. Yield will obviously be a factor as candidates with high academic achievements and ECs will have other options.

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Interesting read from UIUC Admissions officer. I think we can aptly call this admissions cycle the “year of the deferrals”. Good luck to all of your very well qualified students.

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This is the first cycle Purdue has deferred so many applicants. It’s anyone’s guess what that will look like for RD. Best of luck to you!

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Effectively they want to see the entire candidate pool before filling their spots. In my opinion, colleges should do away with EA and ED. Just have one deadline and one date for decisions. It reduces stress and anxiety for everyone.


Did any deferred student hear back, last year few students got their decisions on 31st jan itself

Is it typical of Purdue to begin rolling our decisions for RD in Feb? Should we expect a wave today? I was told typically they roll out on Friday afternoons.

Yes, we were told fridays at 5pm ET however all non essential employees were told not to report to campus today because of snow. So not sure if that will change things.

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Thank you. Everything is shut down here in Texas also due to freezing weather. I suppose we will see what happens today :crossed_fingers:

Purdue got clobbered with snow and has been shut down since mid day Wednesday and all classes moved on line or cancelled. I don’t think there will be decisions today.

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I also think the decisions wont roll out for another couple of weeks. Besides the weather, they probably also need to review a pile of RD apps before making a call on the deferred pool.

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It only adds to the fun! I got a lot of pic this week. Many more than usual. The campus is gorgeous with all the snow. Sledding looks fun too.

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Deferred EA
GPA 3.99
SAT 1540
Major: Computer Science Engineering
OOS Male
7 APs
Athletic and leadership involvement
Strong Community service
Maintained job since age 16

Anyone have a sense of whether deferred applicants have a real shot at admission or should we just move on with other schools?

Nobody here likely knows, but your stats suggest that you have better than an even shot. Since you’ve already invested the effort in applying EA, all that’s required is for you to submit mid-year grades and list any achievements/awards/honors since your application.

That said, if you have other good options, start considering them.

In years past, I would have said it was a soft rejection and move on. But, this cycle they deferred way more applicants than usual so it’s very hard to say. Fingers crossed!

Thank you! Yes, their guidance counselor indicated that they were using the deferral option considerably more this year - but had no insight as to what this meant for eventual admission. He’s got a solid back up plan with Ohio State- great school but we are from Ohio and he was hoping for something “different.”


hey deferred gang :smiling_face_with_tear: anyone have an idea of the latest date to submit additional grades ?

Those are great stats.
I feel so bad for these kids have gone through admissions these last few years.


ASAP is what I think. You never know when they will decide on your deferred app. Perhaps they will decide the apps with new grades first. Or may be not. I would try to provide the update as early as possible.

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Anyone thinking some decisions might come out today?

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Maybe. As long as it isn’t snowing in West Lafayette.