Purdue - Fall 2022 - Deferred from EA


I wonder if you will get an email or if you have to check your account?

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looks like No news at all for deferred candidates…radio silence

I wish they would just announce a date. They must know by now when they’d like to release.


I wouldn’t expect anything until close to 03/31. Pretty sure Purdue is waiting to see whether the % of EA commits at the end of March is below their expected trends before making any decisions on the Deferred pool.

How would they know how many people intend to commit? Because a lot of students don’t make that decision until May 1st.

Most schools can predict eventual yield by tracking deposits, event engagement, attendance at admission events, and I am sure a variety of other metrics. If you simply compare cycle to date metrics for this year to prior years, it will tell them where yield is likely to land and whether it is different than previous assumptions.

I also think for a state school like Purdue, they will be looking at the in-state commits closely because its the pool of students from where they derive their best yield.


In addition to what @ucscuuw said, they sent out an email a little before/around the time of the first RD decisions this month with a poll of ‘how sure are you to commit’ with not at all, kind of, mostly, and committed already as options.


Looks like some people heard back today. I’m hoping they’ll still roll out more acceptances by the next few weeks.

S22 was accepted to CS mid-March. From what I heard, there will be many admits from the deferred pool and all decisions would be out around the 30th. Good luck if you are still waiting.


what were his stats

1530 with 800M, Very good CS ECs, 3.75 UW but straight As in STEM classes, 10 APs including Calc BC and Physics in addition to Multi-variable calc; AP scholar with distinction (all 5s)


Did you submit any grades or LOCI?

Yes - no LOCI. Just 7th sem grades that were sent by our GC. Son had all As.


Just wondering where did you hear about this? Also congrats to your son.

Decisions today, according to Learn about Purdue University - Undergraduate Admissions - Purdue University

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Anyone hear anything today?

Still waiting here, but there is one person on Reddit who reported getting a decision about an hour ago.

Anyone receive a decision yesterday as the website said RD decisions would be released?

My son was waiting but he didn’t hear anything.

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