Purdue for non-engineers

<p>We know all about Purdue's excellent reputation for engineering, but what's it like for students in other areas? My D has been accepted for the pre-vet program and she has a decision to make. We would love to hear about the experiences of non-engineers.</p>

<p>As a Krannert School of Management grad in 1987, I can tell you that the education I received was outstanding. Even now, when I mention being a Purdue grad, the response is always, " wow, what a great school!". The engineering program has always been highly regarded but many other majors are also now top ranked and highly respected. Bottom line is that a Purdue education will always serve you well. My son has been admitted for fall 2012 and as an out of state student the price tag is a lot higher than it was back then but 100% worth every bit of the expense!!</p>

I am an alum of Purdue --so was wife, brother, uncles, aunts, cousins on both side. So a family with alot of Purdue ties. My brother graduated from the Pharmacy school–one of the best in the country. Wife graduated with a degree in education–had no trouble finding a job from several possible places around the country. My wife’s uncle is a vet–again–one of the best in the country. Solid business school. My son plans to study computer science–graduate program is about 18th in terms of ranking. Many Agricultural type programs --also tops. I would say some of the liberal arts areas might be considered more average–but you can still get a good education. My niece graduated from one of those programs–later worked in northern Indiana for a big steel company–that really launched her career. She later received her MBA from Notre Dame and does quite well as both career woman and mother. Many large state universities appeal to job recruiters because they find the students are well rounded and potentially want to get a job right out of college. In the poll last year–I think Purdue was in the top 5 --with Penn State as number one in this particular study. If your child is pre-vet–a very good school choice.</p>