Purdue major question

I’ve been accepted into purdue college of engineering. I want to study electrical engineering and computer science in college. How do I know if I will be able to study this? On the applicant portal it only tells me I was accepted into college of engineering, nothing else. On the common app I had area of interest as electrical and computer engineering, but I left the preprofessional studies tab blank

You apply to your top choices in majors at the start of your second semester freshman year. They give you the decision after you’re done with your freshman year. They base their decision on your GPA in your First Year Engineering course and core courses. With most majors a 3.2 will assure admission but each year is different as the demand for majors changes. Recently Biomedical engineering has been more selective. One other thing to note. Purdue does not offer Computer Science in their College of Engineering, they do offer Computer Engineering. Computer Science offered in their College of Science. CS is programming based, Computer Engineering is hardware based.