Purdue or Georgia Tech BME

<p>I know that this is a purdue forum, so it might be slightly biased but I'm looking for info from purdue students. </p>

<p>I plan to major in biomedical engineering and do pre-med. Finances aren't an issue.<br>
I know that GA Tech is ranked much higher than purdue for BME, but I was wondering if it would really make that much of a difference to employers whether one went to ga tech or purdue (i'm wondering in case med school doesn't work out & I end up going on in the BME field).</p>

<p>Earlier this year, the WSJ conducted a survey with recruiters at different companies:
Purdue was ranked 4th overall, Georgia Tech ranked 7th overall.
In engineering, Purdue ranked 2nd, Georgia Tech ranked 1st.</p>

<p>Here’s the link to the article:
[Best</a> Colleges & Universities - Ranked by Job Recruiters - WSJ.com](<a href=“Best Colleges & Universities - Ranked by Job Recruiters - WSJ”>Best Colleges & Universities - Ranked by Job Recruiters - WSJ)</p>