Hard decision to make between the two schools. Son was excepted to Purdue and Colorado School of Mines , class of 2022 mechanical, and the cost is the same. I’m worried about the small size of Mines but it is closer to California and in a better area for an outdoor enthusiast. Purdue was great but nothing to do in and around the town. Thoughts?
I don’t know if this is a difference between the two schools but I know you don’t get accepted into Purdue for ME - you get accepted into Engineering and then it’s a “make the grade” challenge to get into ME. And making the grade is really tough. My Purdue senior has friends who got shut out of ME because it’s so competitive to get into as a major that the dept raised the previously published cut-off for GPA and a bunch of MEs ended up in civil or other disciplines. They are both excellent schools, hope he’s willing to bust his ass.
If so, he will be happy at either.
Thanks , on the accepted tour they stated that he needed to have a 3.2 gpa to be guaranteed to get ME. Its added pressure but he should be able to do it. I really liked the coop program at Purdue, does your senior participate in it?
No, she has a multi-disciplinary engineering major with a minor in ME - it’s very specifically focused on a small niche market so her internships and work have been outside the scope of Purdue’s co-op programs.
3.2 in college is harder than 3.2 in high school for most students.
Mines is closer to California but it’s not close. Purdue is closer to NYC. Neither one of those facts should be involved in your college decision.
@erin’s dad, I beg to differ! Mines is a 2.5 hour CHEAP non-stop from LAX plus a 20 minute Uber ride. Getting to Purdue is a 8 hour slog - getting affordable flights from IND is near impossible. ORD is better, but it’s a 2.5 hour $80 shuttle. Having struggled with arranging transportation for Holiday weekends and family events I have to say - all other factors being equal, time and expense to get home is a big factor for many families.
Yes, travel is key but I was also thinking of future job opps at graduation and hoping selfishly that he comes back West. Assuming Purdue would have more East, MW employers vs. Mines more Colorado and West.
TBH, if he ends up graduating as a Purdue ME, he can go anywhere. And the great thing about a CA kid spending 4 years in IN is… they really want to come home afterwards. Not so sure about CO. W. Lafayette weather truly sucks. I was worried my D would want to settle in the midwest but now that she appreciates all that she took for granted as a teen - she wants to end up back home.
Where does he want to go? I chose my University based on location and I never regretted it. He’ll have no trouble getting a job out of either school. Ease of travel is a legitimate concern.
Thanks all! He has pros and cons to both schools; Mines better location for outdoors, but less girls and sports. Purdue, big sports, more girls (yes, this is a criteria for his selection process), but location is flat with little appeal. Either school he will get a great education and it is something to consider that he is FYE at Purdue and must get 3.2 to guarantee ME. Mines he is direct to ME.