Purdue or Villanova for Engineering?

<p>I've been accepted into Purdue undecided with an interest in the College of Technology. (I'm hoping to major in Electrical and Computer Engineering Technologies) I've also been accepted into Villanova for Electrical Engineering.</p>

<p>I'm REALLY torn apart by the two! From all the people I've told about it, they have all heard of Purdue but not Villanova, so I'm guessing Purdue's name has some prestige to it. However, Purdue is a little too big for me, and has hardly any girls, so I'm not sure I want to be stuck in a huge crowd of Engineering nerdy boys. Villanova also has a tiny average class size of 22 and a student:teacher ratio of 11:1. I think that attention from professors and the lack of TAs teaching classes is pretty important to me, having studied in a private high school. The GLBT movement in Villanova is also pretty important to me, as I'm a bisexual myself. Not planning on joining it, but it'd be nice to have an environment that isn't as homophobic as where I am right now.</p>

<p>I'm sure you can see why this is tough for me. Any suggestions!?</p>

<p>I'm also waiting for Boston University and University of Rochester to reply regarding Electrical Engineering. It's unlikely that I'll pick Boston over what I already have right now, but does anybody have any suggestions regarding Rochester?</p>

<p>Any help is totally appreciated!</p>

<p>If i’m right… The average class size at Purdue is 26… I read it on their website</p>

<p>I was torn between Nova Purdue and UDel for computer engineering… went with Nova and dont regret it at all. PM with any questions!</p>

<p>Oh wow, I found out the average class size at Purdue is 28 on the website! Student-faculty ratio of 14:1. Thanks zoheb391! This school just went up in my books a whole lot. Didn’t expect the classes to be so small at a public school.</p>

<p>Yea it is small, but thats the average… If you consider engineering classes… i guess most of them will be 80-100+</p>

<p>It really depends. I’m in engineering and yes, the freshman classes are indeed 80-100 students. But the upper level classes tend to be much smaller. </p>

<p>As for girls: yes, we don’t have as many girls as I like, but nonetheless the ratio has been improving over the years. There are definitely a decent amount of girls in engineering, definitely not a majority, but still not bad for engineering. Also, you will be taking other courses besides engineering classes, some of which will have a fair balance between the genders if not a majority of girls.</p>

<p>As for attention by the professor and TA-taught classes, maybe Villa would be a better place. We do have a lot of students and we do have a lot of TA-taught classes, so if you want personal attention you’ll need to seek it out. That being said, most professors are very open to students during office hours. And interestingly enough, since some of the freshman engineering classes are so large, you’ll have a strong support group. On the other hand, as classes get smaller and you move up, you’ll get a small strong group of friends.</p>

<p>We do have a GLBT group at Purdue, we also have a homosexual fraternity if you’re interested. And honestly, I really don’t feel Purdue is homophobic (though perhaps other people have had other experiences?). I have several gay friends and everyone seem to be fine with that. But yes, I guess there will always be some narrow-minded people out there.</p>

<p>While West Lafayette, IN can be conservative at times, I doubt Villanova is any better, I mean generally speaking schools with religious affiliations tend to be considered less accepting environment for GLBT group.</p>

<p>Yeah I agree with EuroBoilerMaker, Purdue doesn’t seem to be homophobic. They even have that event called Second Chance Prom which is meant for GLBT’s. I also agree with baseballnerd’s comment on Nova and it’s religious affiliation. </p>

<p>Even though the female/male ratio isn’t good, the appearance of the females is great imho. Being a Northeast guy, I am really fond of the Midwest ladies since they really seem to be different than those back at home. Even my friend from California agrees with me. If you want to have more females in your class then come to the College of Consumer & Family Sciences since my HTM classes are literally 70/30 female/male.</p>

<p>Thanks for everything, everyone! This is really helping me with my choice.</p>

<p>My son will be attanding the School of Science. What is the female/male ration there? Thanks</p>

<p>cookie1, there seems to be more males than females according to an 07-08 survey.</p>

<p><a href=“https://www.science.purdue.edu/data_digest/students/data9d46.html?file=p9FallByGender[/url]”>https://www.science.purdue.edu/data_digest/students/data9d46.html?file=p9FallByGender&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>However, since Computer Science is part of the College of Science, I think that contributes a good amount of males since it’s a male-dominated major at Purdue.</p>

<p>Villanova is a Catholic school, so expect some jeers if people find out that you are bisexual. My guess is that people are still fairly accepting though.</p>