Purdue Parent Chat Info to Share 12/16/2014

<p>Did the parent chat today and there were a lot of statistics which I've found folks asking about on this list. Here is a summary (copy/paste) from the chat with replies from the Purdue representatives that should cover answers to some major questions regarding admission. Mostly Engineering questions. LMN.
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<p>This year we anticipate a incoming freshman class between 6500-7000.
We anticipate around 15,000 applications to the College of Engineering this year, average GPA is around 3.9/4.0, ACT: 32, SAT: 2100</p>

<p>Engineering: roughly 57% Indiana residents, 27 % out of state residents, 15 % international students.
Fall 2015 Engineering: roughly 1,800 new freshman for the Fall 2015</p>

<p>Purdue vs IUPUI Differences: there are several differences between Engineering at Purdue Main Campus and. IUPUI. First I would say is choice of majors and breath of options. Here in West Lafayette (WL) students have almost a full year to decide which of the 16 majors to choose from so they can find the best fit for their engineering interest, Plus with approx 200 majors on campus Engineering Students can Minor in almost anything they want to. - Next is the campus atmosphere. WL is a residential campus IUPUI is primarily a commuter campus in a big city. WL is also the home to Big 10 Sports. WL also has the Purdue Marching Band and almost 1000 student orgs and big name speakers and artists visiting every year. It really comes down to fit for the student.</p>

<p>Engineering Graduation Statistics (from Admission office, this is their copy/paste):<br>
I'm still waiting on our data people to get me the numbers for 2014, however historically the national average of students starting in Engineering and graduating with an Engineering degree is around 47% here at Purdue that number is about 60% with another 20% graduating from another major at Purdue. As great as Purdue Engineering is,students still sometimes find their fit in on of the other almost 200 majors on campus. </p>

<p>Engineering Major/Admissions: A students major interest is not a factor in the admission decision when it comes to Engineering. The reason why is that students change their minds. We just like to know what areas students are interested in when they apply. So students are not admitted to a specific major when it comes to Engineering. This being said over 90% of students were place in their first choice of majors for when it came to transitioning to their major in their sophomore year. A 3.2 GPA in the first year will almost assure that a student can get their first choice.</p>

<p>Here are the Fall 2014 Sophomore-Senior numbers by Engineering School: AAE-559, BioMed 259, ChemE 552, Civil 399, Construction Engineering 72,Electrical/Computer 1086, Environmental 84, Industrial 594, Interdisciplinary 62, Materials, 156, Mechanical 1376, Nuclear 81. </p>

<p>Co-Ops/Internships: Approx 12% of Engineering students do Co-ops and 70% do internships. However last year there were more coop job opportunities than students to fill them. It's a great program but students like the flexibility to try different companies every summer or graduate in 4 years. Coopstudentsstill only pay for 8 semesters.</p>

<p>Average GPA for First Year End: the average GPA at the end of First-Year is a 3.0 and with that over 90% of students got their first choice of Engineering majors. If a student has a 3.2 or above they are most likely able to get their first choice. We encourage all students to do well and utilize all the great resources on campus to succeed.</p>

<p>Freshmen: all new students start in First-Year Engineering and then transition to their major in the Fall of their Sophomore Year. Engineering is designed as a 4 year program but the average graduation is 4.5 years as some students to a 5 year Coop program, 5 year BS/MS or BS/MBA, and some will double major which can take more time.</p>

<p>Class Sizes: Class sizes vary depending on the student's major, overall average is 31 students per class, 13:1 student to faculty ratio.</p>

<p>Trustee And Presidential Scholarships: Notifications will be in January to mid February. The Trustees/Presidential are awarded on a holistic basis and taking a lot of criteria into consideration, there isn't one set formula. Out-of-state students are eligible for scholarships. However, as a land grant university our funds do first go to Indiana residents.Presidential and Trustees recipients will be notified via a letter in the mail</p>

I also learned if you change your major at Purdue you have to reapply. </p>

<p>My daughter was admitted to Purdue Engineering. Whether or not she goes is another story as she received a sweet package from IUPUI. </p>

<p>Thanks @LindyN. That’s very helpful.</p>

<p>Really nice of you to post a summary, thanks!</p>

<p>One thing to add which many parents asked about is that invitation to honors program will be made by end of February. No word on when they might start though.</p>

<p>Also, no rush to apply for housing. Assignment is not dependent on when you fill out the application. </p>

<p>I have been stalking this board for a long time trying to find statistics, and knew how badly I wanted them so I thought I would share. When others are doing the same thing as us in the future they’ll find this post and have info from the Class of 2019. My son is at Indiana University Bloomington as a Business major, Class of 2017 (direct admit to Kelley) and we knew exactly what he would get upon admission based on grades and test scores. Purdue’s “holistic approach” to admissions really throws a wrench in the works because basically a school can decide who they’re going to admit and with no set merit aid, they just dole it out as they like. IU now does a more holistic approach but they seem less restrictive on scholarship monies than Purdue. But Purdue can do what they like because, well, they’re Purdue! My daughter did get in to Purdue First Year Engineering, but we don’t know if she’s going to go because of the deal she got at IUPUI (Chancellor’s scholarship, direct admit to Honors College, space in ‘good’ dorm, and invitation to compete for their great scholarships which have been done.) D does not have 2100 SAT (did better on ACT) but she is 3.95/4.0 unweighted, APs, ACP, tons of ECs, and a couple of State titles in her team sport. As a parent I’m finding IUPUI to be a bit more student focused. But when you’re Purdue you can do what you want as you will have plenty of the best and the brightest banging down your door to get in. Obviously Purdue has no shortage of amazing applicants based on the stats I’m reading on some of these other threads. </p>

<p>I was surprised that Purdue didn’t spend more time discussing the difference between IUPUI and West Lafayette except for the campus itself–so I had to throw in what they put in the chat. Tells me that the academics are really not different because this was their opportunity to promote Purdue WL over Purdue Indy. </p>

<p>Glad this info helped. </p>

<p>So, my son was very much in the same boat as your daughter except he is over in the Kelley School of Business at IUPUI. He got full entrance and Direct admit at both IUB and Indianapolis. The kicker is that he did get the Honors and a room at the Tower at IUPUI.</p>

<p>It’s interesting how you characterize the school in WL. We had a very similar experience at IUB. My son was treated as a part of the crowd at IUB and actively recruited at IUPUI. Not that that reflects on the quality of school, just that is meaningful when your 17 years old and ranking professors literally ASK you to come to school there.</p>

<p>I will caution you that PU advocates will argue with you about the academics. The IUB Kelley folks are very prideful about their school (good reason) I am sure that PU Engineering folks will be too. I was crucified on this board for even suggesting that the academics were similar. They threw stats and entrance criteria etc at me. All of that was true as the demand is higher there. But it was amazing when you mentioned curriculum, placement or even Internships. They would become befuddled and get even personal at that point. So stand strong in what ever decision you make. </p>

<p>The Purdue school of engineering has certain criteria to meet. If IUPUI wasn’t meeting those criteria then they couldn’t call it that. Charters are based on curriculum, outcomes etc so they are in FACT the same!!!</p>

<p>Also, the whole thing about IUPUI being a commuter school is still true but to a much lesser extent than 20 years ago. The difference is that IUPUI does not have the housing to meet demand, instead it is rimmed with apartments that are catering to students and Medical Professionals. So, I guess crossing a street to get on campus IS technically commuting.</p>

<p>IUPUI has 250 degree programs and your daughter will enjoy the TOWER and all that Indy has to offer.</p>


<p>Thank you Goodkidsdad! I have really appreciated the attention my daughter has received from IUPUI, and the fact they just seem ‘nicer’ on the phone, and in person, than PWL . It is a different environment and Purdue is well, Purdue, and they really are top banana and can do what they want. But I also believe if the Purdue Engineering division at IUPUI was not up to snuff it would not have the Purdue name on it. </p>

<p>I had parents locally tell me to hurry up and do a housing deposit at IUPUI because of the lack of availability in Indy. Then I call IUPUI housing to ask housing questions and they look her up and say “no worries. She’s in the Honors College and will have a place in that dorm.” But I did the deposit anyway as it was only $50. IUPUI is very clear that they don’t have enough housing for everyone. </p>

<p>Financially, the deal at IUPUI is very very difficult to beat as I seriously doubt Purdue West Lafayette is going to give anything like IUPUI. But IUPUI is looking for talented students and this is the way to do it: Give them money and offer many good scholarships and invite students to compete for them. To leave school with no debt, or very little debt, is quite appealing. </p>

<p>Another plus for IUPUI with my D is Tower housing: One roommate and two girls in one bathroom seems to be tipping the favor to IUPUI, as well as that apartment housing in subsequent years. </p>

<p>IUB Kelley and IUPUI Kelley have a different i-Core: More credits are required at IUB for iCore (12 vs 9) but it does have the Kelley name. Should my son lose his academic scholarship at IUB, he can make the choice to come home and finish at IUPUI Kelley. He does not want to lose his scholarship but he has discovered that being the smart kid in our small rural high school is not the same thing as being a smart kid at IU-Bloomington. He has had to work at his academics for the first time in his life. This is why my daughter’s choice of college for engineering is going to be important, because she is not going to be the smartest person in the room at Purdue West Lafayette. I think she will find more students like her at IUPUI than in PWL. </p>

<p>After they’re done with college and working, where they went-- IUB, PWL or IUPUI–is probably not going to matter a whole lot. Neither of my kids are going to head to MIT or Harvard. Right now D is enjoying that she was admitted to First Year Engineering at Purdue but she’s liking her financial incentives and dorm situation at IUPUI. She was also admitted to Univ of Central Florida, Florida Institute of Technology and University of Evansville with scholarships to all of them. But the these last 3 are not financially feasible due to the need for private loans. I am very much against private student loans unless you’re going to med school or have other opportunity for a high income after college to pay them off. For my kids, neither of them are going to make big bucks for many years and they need to have apartments and cars, and not living here because they need to pay their loans. JMO on that one! </p>

<p>“After they’re done with college and working, where they went-- IUB, PWL or IUPUI–is probably not going to matter a whole lot.”
For engineering in particular, this is very true. The school name or brand helps create some interview opportunities for that first job. After that, it is about what you can do and networking.</p>

<p>Is the 1800 the number accepted or the amount expected to enroll at purdue?</p>

<p>Expected to enroll. They need to accept about 8000 to hit that goal (this is for Engineering).</p>

very interesting. wish I had found out about the parent chat. Has anyone received the trustee scholarship yet?

Hi. re:Trustee And Presidential Scholarships: Notifications will be in January to mid February.

Are you referring to notifications of being awarded the scholarships? How do you apply for these scholarships?
Do you receive an invitation to apply?

I’m curious, bc my daughter is an out of state applicant, top of her class 4.0+ GPA, 34 ACT, National Merit Semifinalist (waiting to hear on finalist selection) and we have heard nothing.

Thanks for any info.

The Presidential and the Trustees Scholarships are university scholarships. To be eligible you must have applied before November 1st. If you did so you were automatically enrolled. Good luck.

@parent8 My daughter has almost identical stats, was admitted EA, and we have been hoping for selection for one of those scholarships and an invitation to honors college. She has not received a scholarship or honors college invite as of yet. We have begun to lose hope for the Trustees since the website says “early January” which I fear has passed. We are also OOS and otherwise full pay so without a merit scholarship she may have to choose one of the other schools that she was admitted to and offered a scholarship.

Has anyone heard from Honors College yet? My son was admitted EA and hoping for Honors - just wondering when he will hear?

Nothing about honors college or presidential scholarship here yet. Still waiting and hoping.

Has anyone heard from Honors College yet? My son was admitted EA and hoping for Honors - just wondering when he will hear?

My son was admitted EA and had not heard anything from Honors either.

Nothing from Purdue West Lafayette for my daughter regarding merit scholarships. A few weeks ago she interviewed with IUPUI and she was selected this week as a Presidential Scholar. She’s got 12K/year, direct admit to the Honors College, a laptop (Mac or PC), $1500 housing allowance for first year and a $2500 Study Abroad stipend. So… looks like she’s going to follow the money to downtown Indianapolis. If she keeps that scholarship she will have no debt upon graduation.

My son just told me today that he got an email invite to Purdue Honors College…we are out of state. no word on any scholarships.

@dogmom1 According to another poster on the OOS scholarship thread, Presidential scholarships are supposed to be posted on the applicant status page under the decision letter on Feb. 20th. Congratulations to your son, my daughter also got an Honor’s College invite.