Purdue RD Class of 2019 Thread

Haven’t seen one so here it is


Is no one getting accepted?

Not me mate. Been waiting for 2 months now.

I got accepted for computer science in Feb!!

Heeeyyy… I got accepted about a month ago. I have yet to make a final decision though. I have a few questions that hopefully you guys can answer.
Does Purdue have any kind of merit scholarship for intl. RD applicants? If so, how do they consider you? Do you have to fill a form or what?( I know all the major deadlines might have passed by now but no harm in asking.)
Oh and, till when can I hold my admission decision?

My “Decision” and “Decision Letter” finally came up last Monday/Tuesday. It still says “Application In Process”. Anyone else still got this?

Btw I applied for Computer Science-BS at the College of Science. Is it hard to get into?

@Yvask95‌ Yes I have the same status and it has been same for a ling time, I’ve heard that from this it goes to ’ In Committee Review". Hang in there Buddy, We’re together

@Parshad97‌ Mine changed to “In Committee Review” today. Now I’m wondering how long till i get a decision XD

Also, would you guys go to Purdue or UMass Amherst for Computer Science?

@Yvask95‌ Purdue for sure, it has a better ranked computer science program plus better resources

Has anyone received a decision yet?

I still haven’t received my decision, but I probably won’t attend either way…

@mm1957‌ Ok, did you apply for financial aid?

I didn’t because I’m an international and I need full need based aid, and I knew that I would be flat out rejected. But I have other options so I might choose one of those… :)>-

I’m international and I haven’t received my decision yet. Does that mean I’m rejected? I applied for computer engineering.

@Yvask95‌ Have you received a decision yet? Mine changed to in committee review a frw days before yours and I m not sure how long this will take. What day did you apply?@Seedfoot You should check the Purdue Student portal and see where is you application.

@Jareva‌ No decision yet. Still in committee review. I’ve been rejected from schools I considered safeties, so right now I’m freaking out .-.
But I got into Umass Amherst with a scholarship for Computer Science, so I have that :smiley:
I applied a day before the deadline or, most probably, on the deadline.

Would any of you considering going to UMass Amherst over Purdue for Computer Science?

My S applied in late Jan. Have not received decision yet. Waiting…

I emailed admissions office, they replied saying my decision should come in the next two weeks. I applied Feb 1st so I guess anyone who applied before that should have a decision within a week.