Purdue Scholarships are out!

<p>Did you get one?</p>

<p>Some from Purdue's facebook page have already recieved them!!!</p>

<p>Would any merit aid be awarded when their official admission offer is sent or do they award scholarships at a later date? Thanks</p>

<p>not sure what you mean, but you get your scholarship notification separate from your admission notification</p>

<p>A quote from a FaceBook post by the Purdue administrator running the page:</p>

<p>"Scholarship committees in all Purdue colleges and schools are currently reviewing candidates, based on admission application information, for the Trustees and Presidential awards. These are automatic awards (no scholarship application) that will be communicated between now and mid February via a paper letter. Many of our colleges have other scholarships that are awarded based on a scholarship application and FAFSA. The scholarship application deadline is February 1. The application is available on the Financial Aid website, [Purdue</a> University - Division of Financial Aid](<a href=“http://www.purdue.edu/dfa/]Purdue”>Division of Financial Aid). The FAFSA will be available January 1 and should be submitted by March 1. Here’s a scholarship website with more information, <a href="http://www.admissions.purdue.edu/costs/merit_scholarships.html"&gt;http://www.admissions.purdue.edu/costs/merit_scholarships.html&lt;/a&gt;."&lt;/p&gt;

<p>thanks for the info!</p>

<p>I can confirm that scholarship notices are out, I just opened up my mailbox to find that I have been awarded the Trustees Scholarship! I’m ecstatic right now!</p>

<p>Were you notified via email in addition to the paper mail?</p>

<p>Got my Trustees scholarship in the mail today!</p>

<p>To those who got their scholarships in the mail:</p>

<p>Are you in-state or out-of-state?
What college did you apply to?
What are you stats (score wise)?</p>

<p>yeah! I got the presidential schoalrship today, 10,000
im out of state (New York) and college of engineering
SAT 2250 gpa: 3.9</p>

<p>I’m out of state in Illinois and received a letter for the Trustees Scholarship. I applied to the College of Engineering.</p>

<p>Brief stats: 4.0 unweighted GPA out of 4.0 and 4.4 weighted GPA with weighted courses being worth 5.0 each for A’s. SAT: 2360.</p>

<p>EDIT: I didn’t receive any email notification; I just opened up my mailbox and found it. I’m happy and excited right now!</p>

<p>congrats everyone!!!</p>

<p>Can anyone comment on my chances for a merit scholarship please? I’m OOS from NY</p>

<p>I have a 3.89 unweighted GPA, have taken 4 AP classes from Freshman to Junior Year (taking 4 this year) and have not received a grade lower than A ever. My SAT I (highest sections) totals 2140. Thanks for any insight!</p>

<p>tma, anything above a 3.8 should get you a merit scholarship. good luck!</p>

<p>So if you did not receive a letter then no merit scholarship coming at all? I had thought that they let you know in February… Are all of the letters out now?</p>


<p>"The scholarship awarding is an ongoing process which has just begun. Scholarship committees review applications and there are usually several rounds of letters that go out. The committee for engineering have a lot of applications to review since it is our largest program. The letters will go out until late February.</p>

<p>Susie Saberniak
Senior Assistant Director of Admissions"</p>

<p>Thank you! It was nice to hear from a direct source.</p>

<p>I got my Presidential Scholarship yesterday ($10000). I applied to the College of Arts and Sciences.</p>

4.05 weighted GPA(have taken all the advanced classes since the 9th grade)
700 Bio E
800 Spanish
660 Bio M
26 ACT</p>

<p>I think what helped me the most was my EC’s, my awards, that I had already gone to Purdue for a summer vet camp, and that my application essay was stellar IMO.

<p>Hope the most of you get your scholarship notification soon! :D</p>

<p>I hope the only reason I haven’t gotten anything in the mail is because they started at the top of the alphabet or with the earliest applicants or something…</p>

<p>Last year, people got their letters Dec 23rd, so dont give up hope!</p>