Purdue transferring advices !!

Does anyone have experiences with transferring process of Purdue. I would like to know my chances of getting accepted to Aerospace Engineering program with GPA of 3.8. I submitted my application on Jan 20th 2017 and still waiting until now.

Please help me. I’m desperately waiting :frowning:


have you heard anything back from purdue yet? I applied as a sophomore transfer to their Business school this year and received my acceptance letter on Monday. I don’t know much about the Engineering program but I’m sure that a 3.8 is definitely going to get you in a top notch school. I submitted my application mid-feb, got everything checked off mid march, and got my decision this week. I’m guessing you’ve either received a decision already or its coming real soon. You could actually call Purdue admissions if you’d like them to help chance you. They don’t give out specifics but they’ll prolly tell you what courses, gpa, and things they are looking for. Best of luck to you!! :slight_smile:

@taryn97 thank you for your feedback
No I haven’t heard anything from Purdue. I consider this is a bad sign since you and many people else I know already received their decisions.
I called them this Monday to ask about the status of my application. They just give me a generic answer as always.
How do you word the question to ask Purdue chance me. I worry they don’t even care since Engineering department is very competitive

@ntruong2118 here’s the link to the transfer criteria for your program i believe :http://www.admissions.purdue.edu/apply/criteriatransferengr.php
and on this site maybe you can call the listed number on the left to ask questions about the program: http://admissions.purdue.edu/majors/a-to-z/aeronautical-and-astronautical-engineering.php
or you could try to call the assistant director of admissions.
So what I asked was this:

  1. What kind of gpa/ finished course are you looking for in prospective transfer students? ( the would prolly tell you the average gpa of getting into the programs and what required courses they are hoping you to complete before transferring)
    & 2, How does the admission ppl look at a student’s application ( ex, how much is gpa weighed, how much is the essay weighed, and so on.)

I don’t think that they’ll tell you if you will be accepted yet but if you talk to the right person you may get a clearer image of what they will be considering while looking at you application. you could also tell them who you are ( give them you purdue applicant number or sth)
I remember when i called the guy who answered was the assistant director of the international admissions( i am an international student) and he turned out to be the one who made my transfer decision.
So if i were you i would first make sure all you materials are checked off ( or on the way), have all your other questions ready (when you call them), and try to ask them if you could speak to anybody in the engineering admissions department. I’m pretty sure you have a good chance of getting in cuz a 3.8 is really good. Maybe the reason why you havent heard back is because the program is competitive and they are trying to figure out who to accept. Sometimes the more competitive a program is, the longer it takes for them to make a decision.
I really do hope you get in! :smiley:

Thank you so much for the websites and advises. I hope you continue using collegeconfidential so when I get into Purdue. We can be buddies
How lucky you are to talk to someone that made your decision. I’m not that lucky. One time, I got advice from admission counselor to call and talk to the lady (aka Lisa Crain) in charge of Engineering department. I guess I called her wrong time that why she was so rude and didn’t even answer any of my questions.

My pleasure! Keep me updated! Hope you get in!! ( I will be on this site till all of my decisions come out lol, of course we can be buddies!! ) :slight_smile:

so Purdue is not your first choice? :wink:

@taryn97 I saw you applied to many other schools beside Purdue. How many school have you heard back so far? I wanna try my luck with other schools but worry about the application fees and the OOS tuition :((

@ntruong2118 haha! yes i applied to five other school lol. Purdue is actually the first school i heard back from! i am still waiting on other five schools to give me an answer so i can make a decision. did you only apply for purdue? what other schools are you looking into?

@taryn97 Woa did you fund yourself on the application fee and stuffs. You applied to 5 schools is a very smart move. I know it’s kinda risky but yes, I can only afford to go to Purdue so I only applied to one. But I want to try my luck with Notre Dame next year
P/s: why I feel like Purdue takes so long to review my application. Am I special case?

@ntruong2118 it may be because the program you are applying to is competitive. you should definitely try to apply to notre dame! thats a great school, too!! best of luck!!