Purdue, U Pittsburgh, I will chance you back

SAT Score: 2050: 650 CR, 690 Math, 710 Writing (1340 CR+Math )
SAT IIs: None
ACT Score: Did not take
PSAT Score: 205 - Commended
Unweighted GPA: 3.285
Weighted GPA: 3.41
Class Rank: School does not rank

1 semester of honors biology, all honors English until senior year (no honors English class in senior year at our school), AP Stats junior year (got a 3 on the AP test), AP Biology and AP Music Theory senior year, math up until Calculus which I’m currently taking

-Section leader marching band
-Rank captain marching band (4 years marching band overall)
-Vice president of Radio-Control club (3 years)
-Jazz band w/ leadership position (4 years)
-Fairly prestigious auditioned youth orchestra, 1 year, international tour
-Toured Europe in freshman year for band
-Musical orchestra w/leadership position (2 years)
-Volunteer music groups during the summer and school year (4 years) with leadership positions
-Many music awards
-Many honor bands at the local and regional level

Asian Male, also had a relatively serious medical issue that was mentioned in all of my applications.

Purdue major - actuarial science
Pittsburgh major - computer science

Anyone? :frowning:

I think you have a good chance at purdue, but your GPA is low. Because of this GPA It would be tough for CS/engineering at purdue. But I don’t know the selectivity about actuarial science (they probably require higher math score).

@meriks‌ Yeah probably. Actuarial science is very math intense.

Your test score and EC’s are good but you’re GPA is kind of low. Still, Purdue is known to be quite lenient in the admissions process so you might still have a good chance

GPA is a little low but if you explained your medical condition it could be overlooked possibly so id say a decent chance at both. Good luck!
Take a look at my thread if you could please :smile: