Purdue University Acceptances - Class of 2025

D21 was accepted to the UX Design program - also last night (Sunday). Applied RD right about Dec. 11/12th. Missed ED as we didn’t know Purdue had an undergraduate UX program! D has a number of good options open to her but is leaning toward RIT (Purdue is 10 hours away, RIT ‘only’ 7.) Waiting on University of Washington decision, accepted at UMD, RIT, Drexel, and a couple of other ‘safe schools.’

FWIW, she applied TO, UW 3.74, W 4.3, 9 APs, Dual Enrollment senior year, Decent ECs including volunteer coaching U10/11 volleyball, teaching swim lessons to pre-schoolers, lifeguarding, etc. OOS.

Exactly what he is seeing right now, and I was looking at the career stuff and wasn’t overly impressed. If he told me he wanted to go to law school or double major in business then I would be thinking differently so I’m sure it will move down his list and he will savor the admit instead.

Purdue. My other son had a friend go to UW and had a lot of trouble finding a job afterwards and internships. They just don’t have the name recognition for that and a lot is left on the students to find their own, regardless that they have Epic records location there and a Google office. Purdue also has a more national presence. That’s just my opinion but others with more experience may have more to say.

Should have guessed you were out of state for UVA with a handle like RichinPitt :-).

UVA IS expensive for OOS. Purdue should be a no brainer for you guys since both are out of state and Purdue is a higher ranked CS program. Good luck!

Ya no kidding! UVA OOS COA is 77K??!! What is up with that? And it’s public!

My S got into School of Liberal Arts for film studies and production. Curious if there are any others out there in that major and if anyone is from the East Coast (NY area). I’m under the impression that many, especially in Liberal Arts are NOT from the East coast. Thanks!!!

Congrats! My daughter goes to school on the East Coast and her friends have told her that for some reason kids from their schools have a lot of trouble getting into Purdue! So I guess there aren’t too many of them. There is a facebook page for the Class of 2025 or something like that. I recall receiving an email from Purdue so that may be a good one to join. I know my son joined.

@srparent15 Thanks. We will look into that. Most apply to Purdue for their engineering program which is top 5 or so I hear in the country. Mine went Liberal arts which is different acceptance percentage I would think - LOL> Thanks. Purdue is becoming a little bigger of a go-to from our HS. 5 kids went this year and I know at least 3 looking this year. Those are big numbers from Long Island HS:)

Is Purdue RD rolling admissions?

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Adjusting to Cold Weather.

Any one from Texas/NM/Florida/Southern California area who has any information about how much adjustment is required to ‘function’ in cold weather at West Lafayette IN?

I know it sounds frivolous but I am a bit concerned. We have experienced the brutal cold weather but our child has not (has no memory of because he was a baby at that time) and I am a bit concerned how cold weather would impact his studies.

It used to be, but no longer is.

(My D21 received her acceptance in late October, 2016, iirc)

Can’t speak for purdue but my daughter attends a school even colder than purdue and all her Florida friends do adjust. You just need to make sure they’re properly outfitted with the right winter gear. The best place to ask what is needed is on the parent fb page. We live in Chicago and the weather will be somewhat similar with the exception of no lake effect!

With my other kid we have the opposite issue where she went to the south and had to adjust to extreme heat at times. She sometimes complains a lot! It’s hard to feel any sympathy for her when we have been getting snow almost daily for the last 10 days! :slight_smile:

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Dress in layers and shed what you don’t need. We deal with hot summers and have to adjust each year. I am about 30 minutes south of Lafayette.

We have had snow every day for two weeks too. Not much snow but it’s building up. This weekend it will be low around -5 highs about 10 degrees. March turns the corner and you can feel it getting warmer.

It makes you appreciate the change of seasons.

The campus’s is filled with seasonal plants. They have a great agriculture school. Spring brings blooming trees, bushes, flowers. It’s gorgeous.


Their website says “ For students who meet the Jan. 15 Regular Decision application deadline, Purdue releases decisions between Jan. 15 and March 31.”

Interesting, because their admission site says

March 31, Regular Decision Release
Students who applied by the Regular Decision Deadline (Jan. 15) or were “deferred” in Early Action will receive their admissions decisions on this day at 5:00 p.m.

I guess we’ll see. March 31 is between Jan 15 and March 31 (inclusively). Receiving my D’s acceptance early was nice, so it will be beneficial to not to wait until the end of March.

Hmm, :thinking: that’s different from what it says on this page. Check Your Application Status - Undergraduate Admissions - Purdue University

Someone on Reddit says they have been told by the office that they release the decision in waves every Friday. Not sure how accurate it is…

FYI for those interested in fall plans



That hasn’t been the case the last few years after they did away with rolling admission.

anybody care to share insight on Purdue vs Case Western, for an engineering major? Barring a pleasant surprise from one of his long-shot/dreams, this will be my son’s choice…