Purdue University Acceptances - Class of 2025

Just a note that the closed programs are closed to new applicants but my understanding is that those in the RD pipeline may still have a shot as not all accepted student will matriculate

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You are correct. I contacted admissions about this last week as my son was deferred EA and I was concerned both his first choice (CS) and second choice (FYE) are closed. Current applicants are still being considered.

We were told if an application was in prior to a program closing it would still be reviewed/considered.

I applied on January 6th, and yet have not heard back!! Should I be worried?

Purdue has committed to return admissions decisions by March 31. Several of those who have received replies noted that they applied in November.

If you applied at the very end of the admissions window then no, I wouldn’t worry that you haven’t heard. I wouldn’t expect anything until late March, as late as the 31st.


Fun fact: Purdue Global Ads on my computer for a while and if they do not accept me, I am sincerely sorry for all the money they put on promotion for a rejected applicant.
Also, I did not apply to Purdue as a STEM major, would it helps with my acceptance chances?

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Also fun fact time: UIUC admission officer @makemeanillini investigate into cc, again. it is actually nice seeing u here, brotha

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thanks for the shoutout! but i cant change my username now. just pretend that it says BECOMINGABOILERMAKER as my username

also, i got deferred EA and i can see reply forms and change major on my portal today all of a sudden. FYE is grayed out in the change major form. would it mean anything?

i would take WANNABEWOLVERINE haha

We see 2 new buttons just now. One says View your decision, another says Letters and Documents. Don’t see any decision or documents after clicking on them though. But I’m pretty sure that means we will get a decision today.

i saw those two buttons in my EA and i got deferred i still see those two buttons in my portal and they haven’t been updated yet. the only new tab is reply forms and major change under profile changes

D got those 2 new tabs too. They(the tabs and buttons) weren’t there this morning. Praying for good news.

do you know if reply forms tab means anything? i guess i am waitlisted?

which portal is this that you are going to?

Nope. I don’t see any thing when clicked on it. It’s a new tab that just showed up today though.

the application status portal

yup it seems blank

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I feel the chance for D is very low as she didn’t apply during EA round. I’ve heard Purdue don’t reserve spots for RD.

It depends on the major. i got deferred cause i chose fYE