Purdue University Acceptances - Class of 2025


I get accapted for Cyber security major in Purdue and George Mason university accepted me as well for their Cyber security major.

Which one is better in terms of opportunities , education, reputation , co-op and future jobs etc ?

I am international student.

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Purdue hands down


Purdue. No question.

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Yes, Purdue, from an academics standpoint. Cost and fit differ by family/individual.


You applied for financial aid?

I would love to get input on Purdue vs. Cal Poly SLO for CS. USNWR is of no use here because Cal Poly is not a research university (no PhD programs) so they rank it lower because of that.

Sorry I don’t know anything at all about SLO.

@srparent15 posted an article a while back that might help: Silicon Valley companies like Apple (AAPL) hires the most alumni of these 10 universities, and none of them are in the Ivy League.

We’re waiting on a few more schools over the next few days, but right now my son is considering Purdue (waitlisted), UIUC (accepted) and Cal Poly (accepted). I think he’s leaning towards UIUC right now over Cal Poly because it has a chemical engineering program (he would do EE at Cal Poly but would prefer chemical), and it’s a more well-known program around the country. Cal Poly is well-known on the West Coast, but less so elsewhere. From what I’ve read, though, it sounds like Cal Poly wins for smaller class sizes and more personal attention from professors. And I’ve heard the campus is gorgeous (I’ve never been).

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Thank you, that’s very helpful.

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nope I did not

Silicon Valley companies like Apple (AAPL) hires the most alumni of these 10 universities, and none of them are in the Ivy League. — Quartz

Given the enrollments of Ivy League schools, and the fact that I never though of any of them as technology schools, this comes as no surprise. Did anyone else think Google would hire hordes of software developers from Dartmouth?

Top academics and officials at computer science programs rated the overall quality of undergraduate programs with which they were familiar on a 1-5 scale. A school’s undergraduate computer science rank is solely determined by its average of scores received from these surveys.

A PhD program is only one of several ways to be included in the survey. As Cal Poly was included in the survey, it’s based on another criterion (probably “ recently awarded 20 or more bachelor’s degrees in computer science.”). Once included in the survey, the reason for qualifying has no bearing on the ranking.

If so there is something wrong. UC Davis is at #36 in the USNWR list. Cal Poly is at #87. But if you ask UC Davis students they will tell you Cal Poly is better. That’s very rare for students at one school to recommend another school. At Google, Cal Poly made Top 20 list. So the rating by USNWR is not lining up with the perception of students or that of employers.

Where can I find Purdue scholarship info?

I haven’t seen a broad reputation survey of thousands of students or employers comparing the two, like the USNews survey, so I can’t opine on anecdotal data. It’s certainly possible different groups will yield different results, if such an analysis were conducted.

I wouldn’t consider a single Reddit thread with five opinions to be conclusive.

Not really relevant to the current Purdue 2025 Acceptances topic.


Agree that a single Reddit thread of student opinions is not conclusive. But regarding employers, I have seen a half dozen top employers’ lists and they differ markedly from the USNews ordering. In the USNews ordering, LACs (example: Pomona college) and non-PhD offering colleges appear much further down relative to employers’ lists. For that reason, USNews ordering does not pass the sniff test.

I think the reason for this may be the methodology used by USNews: they surveyed academics. Not surprising that they look down on non-PhD offering colleges.

Purdue has a solid, consistent position in employers’ and USNews list though.

How is Purdue - Fort Wayne. I applied for Purdue-West Lafayette Business program and was denied. Purdue said that I can apply for Fort Wayne location and they would consider it

I’ve seen several “I wasn’t admitted to CS, but to another major. Can I transfer later to CS” posts.

For information, I’m copying over a post from Reddit. I can’t confirm that it’s accurate, but the writing has certainly been on the wall. And at least one school in a similar position has already done the same.

Current levels of enrollment are greatly exceeding capacity, and the CS department is preparing for a large freshman class this year. With a primary goal of maintaining the quality of each program, the College is considering the very difficult decision to close all three programs to CODOs and Transfer students until further notice. This is not yet final, and they anticipate making a decision before the end of the semester.

(CODO = Change of Degree Objective = switch majors)