Purdue University Acceptances - Class of 2025

Don’t forget also that Purdue has that amazing job fair!

I told my son to treat each school that he is interested in as if they did view demonstrated interested as important. Don’t question it after it is all done.

He went to purdue last week to do a personal tour. He met some friends he knows there and they had some of their friends there. Some from the Honors school and Dorms so he got to tour those. I guess they were expecting good size groups of people touring. They had Students and Professors at tables in the college of engineering answering questions.

When he arrived on campus he got a text shortly later “Welcome to the Family, Boiler Up”. He said “I guess they do watch what you’re doing.”.


Applied EA fall of 2020

Accepted Jan 15th 2021

3.48 UW // 4.21 W

36 ACT [35 E | 35 M | 36 S | 36 R]

Lots of ECs, won a CS competition at CMU, ISEF, some other clubs and sports


Any female, conservative, pre-vet track, honors students attending Purdue next fall!?!

Any female, pre-vet track, equestrian, honors students attending Purdue next fall?

Have your student join the accepted students FB page. She’ll get way more responses than you will here on CC.

Honors college is interdisciplinary and all majors are represented. I’m sure your D will find her people at Purdue!

Thank you. She has tried that route but is also reluctant to “out herself” as a conservative. (Not all people welcome diversity of thought.) As commitments will be coming due, I was hoping to confirm for her that they are in fact out there. I appreciate it though.

Have you posted in the Purdue parent group. I know your name is there but trust me, she isn’t the only conservative there. My husband’s daughter went to Purdue and it’s definitely not liberal relative to other schools and Indiana definitely is NOT! Also, maybe reach out to one of the groups she is interested in and see if other freshmen have contacted them.


Thank you.

My D18 boiler is now a junior in the College of Science and is conservative. She has had no trouble finding other like-minded students. She has a mix of friends, ranging from conservative to moderately liberal. My observation, from her 3 years of attending so far, is that a conservative could feel at home and find their people at Purdue.



Whether I’ve been the minority or majority in my views or religion or race in a situation, I’ve learned that no matter where I am I always find my group.

Recently I was chatting with another mother in a fb group for my son’s college. This mom made a comment to me about her son and his views on something. I was slightly alarmed only because at the time my son didn’t care about looking for a roommate and was fine going random. I hadn’t really thought anything about him doing that until that comment and I relayed the story to him that I didn’t care if he went random or not but he needs to be aware that if he does he may wind up with someone who has the complete opposite perspective as he does on this one particular issue and then what happens if that’s who he gets as a roommate. The roommate questionnaire as it turns out didn’t ask one single question that would’ve revealed this information. Maybe that sunk in because my son did fill out the roommate info and ultimately matched with a bunch of boys and chatted with them and found what appears to be a match with enough similar views and interests. While he’s not marrying the person, he at least has to live with them for a year. It’s no different for your daughter. Your daughter shouldn’t be forced to live with someone that has completely different perspectives than she does on certain things anymore than someone else does. She also shouldn’t have to hide these things about her views either.


Thank you for that. She has felt muzzled and stifled throughout high school and been frustrated when others very vocally express their thoughts. We want to ensure her living arrangement provides a sense of peace and not frustration. Roommates can make or break a 1st year college experience, especially for kids far from home. :pray:

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Yes, I agree it would be uncomfortable to be rooming with someone who would be judgmental because of your views. A careful roommate search can be helpful to minimize the chance of this. It’s good that your son decided to follow up with chats to get to know prospective roomies better. I remember when my D18 was doing the freshman roommate search, she found a perfect match and they decided to request to room together. Due to some rules that Purdue had about the timing of their dorm requests (I no longer remember the details), they did not get assigned together, unfortunately. Also, Fall 2018 had severe overcrowding of residential housing at Purdue and had trouble placing all freshman (this issue has been resolved with new construction of residential housing since then). Anyway, once they were on campus at the start of freshman year, they connected anyway and are literally still best friends today! The girl she ended up randomly assigned to room with was friendly and they got along okay as roommates, but they never really hung out much socially together. In their case, it was more of a very different focus on their respective curricular and extracurricular activities and forming different friend groups, rather than having polar opposite views on things. The year worked out fine for them, no issues. My daughter occasionally runs into her freshman roommate on campus, and they’ll stop and have a brief, friendly chat. Good luck to your son on his roommate matching! I hope it all works out for him!

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Based on my daughter’s experience at Purdue, my impression is that students there seem to be generally more apathetic and less judgmental to differences in thought, compared to other colleges. Maybe this is due to the heavy STEM focus on this campus, I don’t know. One of the reasons why my daughter chose Purdue, in additional to its excellent STEM programs, was because she felt that she could comfortably fit in there with her views. She couldn’t be happier with her choice, she loves this school and has been thriving there.


I’m applying for prevet and honors next fall! :slight_smile:

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Applied RD aerospace engineering
int Asian Male
1500 sat
4.3 GPA
created 2 clubs and won some int competitions in robotics, went to a top research summer program.

What is the status of Purdue Waitlists? Do we know when to expect the waitlist results?

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Based on the number of already closed programs I would suspect they will not be going to the wait list this year


From what it sounds like it other threads they may have over enrolled.

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Is it Purdue’s goal to keep expanding its freshman classes? I saw that it’s entering class will have 10k students. My S22 probably won’t be an honors program candidate so that’s a lot of competition for classes and programs.