Purdue University Acceptances - Class of 2025

It shows the same on my son’s, but lists his first choice major under ‘Change Major’. Hmm. Let’s see if so these changes are indeed what we think they mean.

We’re West Coast - my son’s portal looks exactly the same as ever - no new tabs or buttons, but change major form has his first (only choice) major greyed out - similar to others.

My D’s ‘change major’ also has her first choice- nursing - greyed out. But she’s never checked that before. Anyone else that has this ~ have you ever looked at it before? Was the major there before and if so, was it gray?

I don’t even have a change major form.

Anybody else has this?

My D has the same. Change major was not even visible for us before today.

I should have paid more attention yesterday when my son went in to update his 1st semester grades. I don’t remember seeing change major or change term on there, but I wasn’t paying close attention.

I feel pretty confident that change major option was just added today. I recall the change term link always being available for us.

Nope, do not have the “reply forms” tab . Did have 4 tabs this morning. Does have change major showing his 1st choice major, but no “reply forms”. Any intel on whether having that means acceptance, deferral, or rejection?

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I don’t know. I saw someone on reddit who had this last year and he was accepted.

I saw the four tabs in the morning, but now they have disappeared.

Were they supposed to update their grades? Mine had nothing asking him to update grades. Although my friend said they asked for her kid’s 7th semester grades. So maybe for some kids they asked them for that?

Mine won’t let me stick a screen shot in of it. For anyone who’s kid put in a second choice, does it let them still see their second choice or is only the first choice highlighted in gray. I know some people said their first choice is gone and only the second choice is highlighted.

Everyone my son knows from school had 4 tabs and they all had the first major highlighted and/or didn’t apply to a second major. So not sure this is really a sign of anything.

No, no. Our high school told us if they had a place to update grades, do it, if they didn’t don’t worry. So he went into all of his portals and updated them even though we knew for Purdue at least it wouldn’t make a difference, lol. But he did it anyway.

So are decisions actually coming out today? If so, what time??

Supposedly at 5:00. Last year’s thread showed some people received decisions starting around 4:00.


5pm CST, correct? We live on the east coast so it’ll feel like waiting an extra hour!

5pm EST :slight_smile: So, it will be 5pm for you I think!

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Purdue is EST. :grinning:

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Purdue is in EST time zone not CST