Purdue University Class of 2020 Results Thread

Purdue admissions results for early applicants should be coming out in the next few days, post your results here!

[aB][asize=4][acolor=#008000]Decision: Accepted [/color][/size]**
[aB][asize=4][acolor=#FFA500]Decision: Deferred [/color][/size]**
[aB][asize=4][acolor=#FF0000]Decision: Rejected [/color][/size]**

SAT I (breakdown):
ACT (breakdown):
Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0):
Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable):
AP (place score in parenthesis):
IB (place score in parenthesis):
Senior Year Course Load:
Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.):


Extracurriculars (place leadership in parenthesis):
Job/Work Experience:
Volunteer/Community service:
Summer Activities:
Essays (rating 1-10, details):
Recommendations (rating 1-10, details):

Teacher Rec #1:
Teacher Rec #2:
Counselor Rec:
Additional Rec:


Applied for Financial Aid?:
Intended Major:
State (if domestic applicant):
Country (if international applicant):
School Type:
Income Bracket:
Hooks (URM, first generation college, etc.):


Why you think you were accepted/deferred/rejected:
Where else were you accepted/deferred/rejected:

General Comments :

IB:37 points
Course:HL Physics, HL Chem, HL bus, SL Math, SL English A, SL Spanish Ab.initio

Intended Major:First year engineering with intended chem engineering
Decision:Admission offer and most prob because of strong act and ib

Nursing - Decision made- offer admission! :slight_smile:

Decision: Accepted

ACT (breakdown): 36
SAT II: M2 800
Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0): 3.7
Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable): 14%
AP (place score in parenthesis): 4’s on 6 tests, taking 4 more


Extracurriculars (place leadership in parenthesis): President of 3 clubs, ton of violin stuff
Volunteer/Community service: a ton
Essays (rating 1-10, details): Written on due date
Recommendations (rating 1-10, details): Great, nothing superb


Applied for Financial Aid?: Yes
Intended Major: FYE
State (if domestic applicant): OH
School Type: Public
Ethnicity: Asian
Gender: M


General Comments: This is so crazy, writing a results thread rather than a chances thread. Congrats to those accepted and good luck to all!

Decision: Accepted

SAT I (breakdown): Did not take.
ACT (breakdown): (I’ll give the highest subscores of all three tests I took)
Math: 29
Science: 35
English: 36
Reading: 36
Writing 6 (18 on new test)
Composite: 33
Superscore: 34
SAT II: Did not submit.
Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0): 4.0
Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable): 1/178
AP (place score in parenthesis): European History, US History, Calculus, Psychology (Did not send scores)
IB (place score in parenthesis): None
Senior Year Course Load:
AP Psychology
Drawing/Student Assistant
AP Calculus
English 101/102
Honors Physics 2
Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.):
National Merit Scholar Commended

Extracurriculars (place leadership in parenthesis): Summer Camp Volunteer (Regional Group Leader), Teen Court Juror, Varsity Scholastic Bowl (Captain), Prom Committee, Yearbook Club, Chamber of Commerce Student, National Honor Society, a few other activities that aren’t significant enough to write here.
Job/Work Experience: None.
Volunteer/Community service: Teen Court, Summer Camp volunteering, lots of other smaller stuff on the side
Summer Activities: Volunteering at the summer camp, teen court
Essays (rating 1-10, details): Common App Essay- 8. I wrote about my lifelong passion for dinosaurs and how a degree in computer science would help me make advances in this field.
Activity Essay- 6. I wrote about volunteering at my summer camp and the leadership opportunities I have there, things I have accomplished, why I do it, etc.
Why Purdue Essay- 5. Pretty bare bones (You can’t do too much with 100 words) I wrote about specific aspects of the computer science program that I like.
Why Major Essay- 5. I wrote about why I like computer science because of problem solving and a general interest in STEM.
Recommendations (rating 1-10, details):

Teacher Rec #1: 8. I didn’t read the whole thing, but he read me a few lines. It sounded like it was heartfelt and funny. I know him from NHS and Scholastic Bowl as well as having his class, so I feel like he probably knew some personal anecdotes to write about.
Teacher Rec #2: 7. I didn’t read this one. I had this teacher for two years and she seemed excited to write a letter for me, so I assume it was a good letter. I put a 7 because I do not really know for sure.
Counselor Rec: 3. She sent it to me after I sent out my apps. It had a lot of grammatical errors. I don’t know if that matters. It didn’t have a lot of personality. Just a basic list of things I have accomplished. It wasn’t her fault. We don’t know each other very well because my school switches the counselors frequently.
Additional Rec: Did not send.
Interview: Did not interview.


Applied for Financial Aid?: Yes.
Intended Major: Computer Science
State (if domestic applicant): Illinois
Country (if international applicant): United States
School Type: Public (1,000-2,000 Students)
Ethnicity: White
Gender: Female
Income Bracket: Not sure. Middle Class.
Hooks (URM, first generation college, etc.):
Female in STEM, two grandparents, both parents, and my aunt and uncle went there, grandfather was a professor there.

Strengths: GPA, ACT composite, class rank, took double science for two years so I’ll graduate with 6 years of science total
Weaknesses: Supplemental essays, ACT math and writing scores, counselor rec, extracurriculars were not related to science
Why you think you were accepted/deferred/rejected: I have decent stats and a really strong legacy.
Where else were you accepted/deferred/rejected: This is the first decision I have gotten back.

General Comments : I was excited to get my decision since a lot of my friends have already gotten decisions and have chosen where they are going to school! Congrats to everyone who got in, and to those who did not, I know you’ll find the perfect school for you.

Decison: Accepted, College of Science, Computer Science

ACT: 35 (33E, 36M, 34R, 35S)
didn’t send SAT or SAT II

GPA: 3.6 U/4.0W (but 4.7 jr year–big upward trend); class rank: 37% (UGH)

AP classes: Euro, Engl L&C, Enviro, US Hist, Computer Science; now taking: AP L&C, Calculus, Physics, Gov’t, Econ, Psych, Art History

ECs: 6 years if programming online games on open site- 3 games released in 2015 have 2,500,000 players total so far; summer college classes in CS, cybersecurity, a few little things at school; football & travel baseball fresh and soph years.

State: TN
Public school, WM, not qualifying for FA

Fortunately, Purdue doesn’t look at class rank as a definitive factor and apparently did look at his upward trend from a lot of Bs as a sophomore to straight As junior year.

So far have been accepted to Auburn, Penn State, and Ohio State (but OSU didn’t admit him to COE!). Waiting on 6 more schools (mostly reaches) but really, really happy about Purdue and there is a good chance he will end up there.

Accepted FYE Engineering

SAT I (breakdown): 2200
SAT II: 700 chem, 710 math ii
Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0): 4.0
AP (place score in parenthesis): 13 over the years, 3/4/5 on all
Senior Year Course Load: 6 APs

Extracurriculars (place leadership in parenthesis): Robotics, green team, med club, piano, ice skating etc etc
Job/Work Experience: intern at hospital and non-profit tech company
Volunteer/Community service: amigos de las americas - 6 weeks in panama
Summer Activities: volunteer/job/work experience


Applied for Financial Aid?: Yes
Intended Major: FYE, but chemical engineering
State (if domestic applicant): OR
Country (if international applicant):
School Type: Private, catholic
Ethnicity: Asian
Gender: F

Reflection: Cool! I hope the scholarship info comes out soon, fingers crossed. Purdue is definitely a great school but not loving the OOS costs… :-/

Decision: Accepted

SAT I (breakdown): 2280 CR:730 W:790 M:760
ACT (breakdown): 33 M:33 W:31 R:34 S:28
SAT II: Math 2: 720 Literature: 730
Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0): 3.9
Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable): N/A
AP (place score in parenthesis): Physics 1 (4), plan to take Physics C and Calc BC
IB (place score in parenthesis): N/A
Senior Year Course Load: Astronomy, AP Physics C, AP Calculus BC, two social studies electives, two English electives, French III, US History, Humanities Research
Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.): Le Grand Concours National French Exam Bronze Medalist, National Merit Commended Student

Extracurriculars (place leadership in parenthesis):
Student Council (Class Secretary) 9, 10
Key Club (Class Representative) 9, 10
Third Wave Feminism (Co-President) 11, 12
Amnesty International (Co-President) 11, 12
Astronomy Club (Co-President) 11, 12
Academic Super Bowl (Captain of 2015 State-Finalist Team) 10,11, 12
School Newspaper (Organizer of a TEDx event with this club) 11, 12
School Ambassador (we give campus tours to prospective students) 11, 12
French Club 9, 10, 11, 12
Competitive Dance Team (Captain) 9, 10
Job/Work Experience: N/A
Volunteer/Community service:
Humane Society (20 hours) 11
Peer Tutoring (60 hours/year) 9, 10
Greenhouse Volunteer (50 hours) 12
Summer Activities: eh

Applied for Financial Aid?: Yes
Intended Major: Physics and Astronomy
State (if domestic applicant): IN
School Type: public, boarding
Ethnicity: white
Gender: F
Income Bracket: ~$130,000/year
Hooks (URM, first generation college, etc.): first generation college student

Strengths: scores, GPA, teacher recs
Weaknesses: didn’t spend very much time on essay
Why you think you were accepted/deferred/rejected: in-state with above average scores
Where else were you accepted/deferred/rejected: Accepted to IU, Ball State, and University of Arizona, waiting on other decisions

[aB][asize=4][acolor=#008000]Decision: Accepted [/color][/size]**

SAT I (breakdown): 2220 (650CR/800M/770W/11E) - Didn’t send
ACT (breakdown): 35C (36E/36M/35R/32S/36E)
SAT II: Math 2: 800 Chemistry: 780 US History: 710
Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0): 3.71
Weighted GPA (out of 5.0): 4.11
Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable): ~Top 40% of class (competitive high school)
AP (place score in parenthesis): APUSH (5) AP Computer Science A (5) AP Calculus AB (5) AP Chemistry (5) AP Chinese Language and Culture (5)
IB (place score in parenthesis): N/A
Senior Year Course Load: AP English Literature and Composition, AP Macroeconomics, AP US Government and Politics, AP Physics I, AP Statistics, TA, Student Tutor, PE
Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.): AP Scholar with Distinction, couple of DECA business awards (California DECA Virtual Business Challenge 2015 - Retailing 1st Place)


Extracurriculars (place leadership in parenthesis):
DECA Business Club 9,10
American Cancer Society (Co-Founder, Executive Vice President, President) 11,12
The Octopi Project, A Startup Company (Co-Founder, Vice President) 11,12
Boy Scouts (Webmaster, Senior Patrol Leader, Patrol Leader, Troop Guide, Junior Assistant Scoutmaster) 9,10,11,12
New Student Support (Treasurer and Technology Manager) 12
Chemistry Club (Tutor) 11,12
Job/Work Experience:

Current intern at a communications company
Interned at a dentist office one summer
Volunteer/Community service:
Run an independent Java tutoring service (5 hours/week) 12
Volunteering service project in a foreign country one summer (100 hours/wk for 2 weeks) 10
Summer Activities:
Harvard Summer School - Calculus II and Adolescent Literature (8 units total) 11

Essays (rating 1-10, details): Common App 8.5/10, Purdue Supplementals 8/10, Additional Info (9.5/10)
Recommendations (rating 1-10, details):
Teacher Rec #1: 8.5/10 -TA for this teacher for two years now, one year as a math class TA and now serve as a Java programming class tutor
Teacher Rec #2: N/A
Counselor Rec: 7/10 - meh, didn’t read, so will assume generic, perhaps decent if he put in some effort
Additional Rec: 8/10 - Professor of Calculus II course at Harvard, must have been at least decent since I performed well in the class

Interview: N/A


Applied for Financial Aid?: No
Intended Major: B.S. Computer Science
State (if domestic applicant): CA
School Type: public, competitive
Ethnicity: Asian
Gender: M
Income Bracket: ~$250,000/yr
Hooks (URM, first generation college, etc.): Additional Info essay explained my upward trend in GPA performance despite initial setbacks due to a family crisis.


Strengths: ACT Score, Recommendations, Essays, EC’s? (most short lived though)
Weaknesses: GPA (easily)
Why you think you were accepted/deferred/rejected: Decent essays, upward trending GPA, good recommendations pushed me past the finish line
Where else were you accepted/deferred/rejected: waiting on other EA/ED (ED Northwestern, EA Michigan, EA Northeastern, EA Case Western)

First acceptance! Good luck to everyone else! :slight_smile: I’m sure you will all find a great school to go to!

When did you guys submit vs hear back?

Accepted - first year engineering. SAT 1960 (CR 600, M 760, W 600). top 2% of class, IB diploma candidate. all IB classes Jr and Sr years except this year math is AP Calc AB.

Out of state. Good Luck Everyone!

SAT I (breakdown):2080 CR: 710 M:760 W: 610 (CR+M 1470/1600)
SAT II: Mathematics Level 2: 730
Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0): 3.4 Weighted: 3.6
Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable): School does not rank
AP (place score in parenthesis):
World History (4)
US History (5)

Senior Year Course Load:
AP Computer Science A
AP Physics C (Mechanics and E&M)
AP Calc BC
Honors English
World War II: Europe
Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.): N/A


Extracurriculars (place leadership in parenthesis):
Environmental Action League 9, 10
Drama Club 10, 11, 12
GSA 10, 11, 12
Mock Trials (Vice President) 12

Volunteer/Community service:
Church Acolyte (Team Leader) 10, 11
Church Youth Mission Trip (Team Leader) 10

Summer Activities:
Seminar for Top Engineering Prospects at Purdue University (STEP) 11
Summer@Brown course - the inventions of Nikola Tesla 10

Essays (rating 1-10, details): Common app (8/10) Supplemental Essays (7/10)

Recommendations (rating 1-10, details): I waived my rights to view the recs


Applied for Financial Aid?: No
Intended Major: FYE
State (if domestic applicant): Delaware
School Type: Private, Independent
Ethnicity: White
Gender: F
Hooks: Sibling currently at Purdue for PhD (was also undergrad in EE at Purdue) & other family members connected to Purdue (although I don’t think this had much of an influence, my brother was denied FYE last year)
I applied Nov. 1, Application completed Nov. 3 and heard back Dec. 11

Application Submitted: November 1
Application complete: November 3
Decision made: December 11
Decision: Offer Admission

Program: First Year Engineering
ACT: 34
GPA: 4.4 weighted (A throughout with a few A-, almost all honors, 3 AP junior year and 4 this year).
Out of State, Highly competitive STEM public school.

Robotics extra-curricular throughout middle and high school. Work recognized in Science and Engineering Fairs at regional, state and national levels.

Essay(s) reflect a strong desire and determination to pursue R&D in robotics with a broad societal impact, and how Purdue fits into that plan.

Application Submitted:December 9
Application complete: December 9
Decision made: December 11
Decision: Offer Admission

Program: BS in Computer Science
ACT: C29 M34/E28/R26/S26
SAT 2- Math2-770
International Student from India
12th midterm-80%
10th-9.2 CGPA
11th-9.0 CGPA

Weakness: 11th marks

[aB][asize=4][acolor=#008000]Decision: Accepted [/color][/size]**

SAT I 2120 writing 670, reading 720, math 730 :
ACT (breakdown): n/a
SAT II: Chemistry 800, Math II 790
Unweighted GPA (~3.8 out of 4.0):
AP Euro (5), AP Chem (5), APUSH (5) AP Lang and Comp(5), waiting on Physics C, US government, Calc BC, Stats
Senior Year Course Load: 4 AP’s, regular english, independent project (science-y)


Extracurriculars (place leadership in parenthesis): Boy Scouts (Eagle Scout, ASPL, PL, etc), Cross Country and Track 9th-10th, martial arts

Job/Work Experience: Employed at prestigious university (think MIT, stanford, or Caltech) working on technology some software and hardware stuff on a technology demonstrator for an Exoplanet Detection instrument

Volunteer/Community service: Boy Scout stuff
Summer Activities: Boy scout stuff, job, Johns Hopkins Engineering Innovation class
Essays (rating 1-10, details): Not sure how good it was, basically described why I want to be an engineer
Recommendations (rating 1-10, details): My history teacher got his done really early, right around the time I learned about the scholarship opportunity deadline, so I used his, even though I asked my math teacher, but didn’t get it until a week or so ago.

Other: Met some guy at college fair, left a resume with him, but he acted like it didn’t matter.

Intended Major: Mechanical or Aerospace Engineering
State (if domestic applicant): California
School Type: Public, Blue Ribbon school
Ethnicity: White
Gender: Male
Income Bracket: $200,000+
Hooks (URM, first generation college, etc.):


Strengths: That I could talk about my job/STEM focus in essays and show that classes/scores matched
Weaknesses: I have some B’s in AP classes, probably a little low on extra curriculars before I got my job

Why you think you were accepted: good grades/scores, decent letter and essay
Where else were you accepted: I’ve only heard from Purdue so far.

General Comments : only checked application status, haven’t received email.

I applied around October 20th and still haven’t gotten a decision. What does this mean?

SAT I: None
ACT: 30
SAT II: Didn’t submit
Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0): 3.95
Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable): 51/470
AP (place score in parenthesis): Stats, APUSH, Calc AB, Lang (5) AP World (4) Physics 1 (2)
IB (place score in parenthesis): None
Senior Year Course Load: AP Computer Science, Adv Calc, AP Comp Gov, Nanotechnology, AP Lit, AP Physics C, PE/Art
Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.): None

Extracurriculars (place leadership in parenthesis): Habitat for Humanity (President 11/12) Model United Nations (President 12) JSA, Key Club
Job/Work Experience: 2 months. Small private company
Volunteer/Community service: Habitat for Humanity. Food Bank.
Summer Activities: West Point SLE

Applied for Financial Aid?: No
Intended Major: Mechanical Engineering
State (if domestic applicant): Washington
Country (if international applicant):
School Type: Public
Ethnicity: Asian
Gender: Male
Income Bracket: 200+

SAT I: 2070
GPA: 3.87~~

Decision: Accepted

SAT I (breakdown): 610 CR 690 M 610 W (1910)
ACT (breakdown): 35M 28E 27R 25S (29C)
SAT II: 800 M2 770 P 740 C
Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0): A1
Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable): School doesn’t rank
AP (place score in parenthesis): -
IB (place score in parenthesis): -
Senior Year Course Load:
Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.): Microsoft hackathon winner


Extracurriculars (place leadership in parenthesis): Developed an app for Android smartphones, (School MUN club president) + Several awards, national level swimmer, (School soccer team captain), qualified to Google Code Jam round 3 twice, qualified ZCO twice, won battle of bands twice.
Job/Work Experience: -
Volunteer/Community service: Collected large amounts of money and clothing and donated to poor children, taught English and Maths at schools.
Summer Activities: -
Essays (rating 1-10, details): 10. Talked about a huge transition in my life.
Recommendations (rating 1-10, details):

Teacher Rec #1: 10, Computer Science teacher
Teacher Rec #2: 10, English teacher
Counselor Rec: 10.
Additional Rec: -
Interview: -

Applied for Financial Aid?: -
Intended Major: Computer Engineering
State (if domestic applicant): -
Country (if international applicant): India
School Type: Private
Ethnicity: Indian
Gender: Male
Income Bracket: ~100
Hooks (URM, first generation college, etc.): -

Strengths: ECs, School marks, SAT II scores
Weaknesses: Standardized testing scores
Why you think you were accepted/deferred/rejected: Cuz I’m Indian
Where else were you accepted/deferred/rejected:

General Comments: To all those who’ll be applying next year, don’t procrastinate. Get your priorities right, so you don’t end up wasting time on things that wouldn’t matter. Ace your SAT/ACT.

Decision: Accepted

ACT (breakdown): 31
SAT: 2080, 2120 (superscore)
SAT II: M2 680, CH 730, US 770
Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0): 3.9
Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable): 14%

AP/Dual Enrollment:
AP World (4)
AP US (4)
AP Chemistry (4)
AP Computer Science A (5)
AP English Lang & Comp (4)
AP Calculus AB (pending)
AP Human Geography (pending)
AP Literature (pending)
Three classes at community college (A in each course)


Extracurriculars (place leadership in parenthesis): Fortune 500 marketing/tech internship, leader of tech based volunteer organization, president and founder of programming club, technical advisor for large office, leader of choir and music honor society, developed cloud based educational analytics systems for NYCDOE.
Volunteer/Community service: 300+ hours
Essays (rating 1-10, details): 8, spent a great deal of time writing.
Recommendations (rating 1-10, details): 10 - My teachers really liked me. Vice Principal wrote an optional recommendation.

Strengths: Lots of ECs, good essays, lots of APs.
Weaknesses: Slightly lower math scores (couple of B’s in Math courses).


Applied for Financial Aid?: Yes
Intended Major: Computer Engineering
State (if domestic applicant): NY
School Type: Public
Ethnicity: White
Gender: M


WOOO! Best of luck everyone!!!