Purdue University Class of 2021 Scholarships

I just got accepted last Friday (10/21) into CS and was wondering if anyone has heard anything about scholarships or the honors college. If not, does anybody know when we can expect to hear by?

Congratulations, @crawfordk, my S just got accepted into FYE and is pretty psyched. According to their website they notify by mid-February for the scholarships. Idk about Honors College.

Folks will start hearing about schols late dec onwards and they will have sent schol info to all accepted candidates by Feb.

Anyone heard anything yet?


Post here when you receive merit scholarship information!

Just got an email saying I got one but that the details are in the mail…

anyone got anything?

Calif. student here. Got letter for Trustees Scholar today.

how many people get trustees scholarship, and does anyone have an idea when we get our financial aid package

Georgia student. Got letter for Trustees Scholarship yesterday.

@ProjectCrafted “how many people get trustees scholarship”

“Approximately 100 disbursed annually”

@ef431x and @travel2wonderland would you share your stats?

Kentucky student. Happy to report that I got my Trustees Scholarship letter today.

@threebeans Feel free to look at the replies I have on other threads. They are all listed there :slight_smile:

When did y’all receive the email notification? I hope they haven’t sent all of them out.

@indy101 I received mine last Friday, and the website claims notifications are rolling until February. There’s still plenty of time!

Didn’t get anything in the mail yet, still hoping I end up with a merit scholarship though! Really sucks that my 90 point SAT improvement was after the deadline to be considered for scholarships.

Indiana Student. I received the Trustees Scholarship about a week ago. It also said in the letter that I would be receiving an invitation to the honors college soon.

My daughter got accepted into Engineering College at Purdue on October 22nd but still haven’t heard anything about any scholarships yet. I hope she gets something. BTW how much the amount for Trustees they are offering?

@Purdue4mykids The trustee scholarship is 12-16k oos and 10k in state according to the Purdue freshman scholarship page. The link is http://www.admissions.purdue.edu/costsandfinaid/freshman.php if you want more info.