Purdue University Class of 2021 Scholarships

I was told each school has a set number of scholarships to give out. Has anyone received one from Krannert?

Is anyone able to see their financial aid yet? Agree the lack of communication is beyond bad. Hoping there still a chance for Presidential scholarship with ACT 32 and unweighted GPA 3.8. Sounds like recipients are surprised in the mail - no emails. No word on honors college yet. Also, every admit program date we try to sign up for - already full!

I don’t see any financial aid but not expecting a dollar either…ugh so hopeful for merit!

@prep4col – emails are sent notifying you that you have received a scholarship but the exact amount comes by regular mail.

Email was received for D last Friday by we are still waiting for the mail. Hope that helps!

@carachel2 My daughter received the email last Friday but she somehow did see till yesterday after we got the letter but it was great I was surprise her when she got home from school yesterday. She got $8k a years for 4 years. And we are Indiana

Do all scholarship emails look like this? Also, any idea if this is a Trustee or Presidential or some other schol?

Dear Xxxxxx,

Once again, I have the honor of congratulating you — this time because you have earned a Purdue merit scholarship. Well done!

Your award letter is in the mail, which will provide details about the scholarship’s value and renewability requirements.

Purdue scholarships are highly competitive, which means your accomplishments are significant. So take time from your busy schedule to pat yourself on the back. Your hard work has paid off.

Boiler UP!
Mitch Warren
Director of Admissions

@just_nag --yes! That’s the email! The regular mail should be there within a week.

Trustees have already been distributed. Supposedly these are the presidential scholarships.

Mail arrived today.

I can officially confirm that the Presidential awards are going out. $10,000 per year; OOS!

@carachel2 Great. Thanks and Congratulations!! My son is eagerly waiting for the mail. When did you get the email?

Email last Friday. Snail mail today. So it took a little over a week.

Has anyone from Engineering recieved an email about merit scholarships yet (non Trustee)?

@prep4col yes-- see my notes above. D is an accepted engineering student.

@prep4col I have as well but I got an Emerging Leader Scholarship (15k/yr)

@lbd1992 Congratulations! That’s great. Are you OOS? What is this Emerging Leader Scholarship? They don’t mention it on their website. But, I did find some reference to it elsewhere.

@just_nag Thank you! I am OOS and I honestly wasn’t able to find much on the website either. On the letter I received though it stated that the scholarship includes a “mentoring component, designed to enhance leadership skills and promote academic success” and that I would get more info in the upcoming weeks, so I’ll hopefully have a better idea what the scholarship is about then.

Thanks @lbd1992. Let us know when you have more detail. Would be interested to know.

@lbd1992 that sounds hopeful for the Emerging Leaders scholarship!! Ds presidential scholarship award wording did not have that component.

We got the email too…same text but nothing in the mail yet…

We got the letter in the mail today. My son got the Presidential Scholarship. We are OOS. Happy he got a scholarship. Unfortunately, with the additional $2,050 engineering fee looks like Purdue will be too expensive for us.

Got an email from Division of Financial aid this afternoon that over weekend they will be releasing award notifications for students who are being offered financial assistance. It looks like I didn’t get any merit award…Bump…