***PURDUE University CLASS of 2022 Admission Thread

4.61 WGPA
3.96 UW
35 ACT

i had the empty tab and no result so farā€¦ :open_mouth:

I googled Purdue log in -put in his email address and PW then ā€”- Accepted -OOS - FYE -1460 3.91 UW and top 3% 7 APs Eagle Scout. Early Action - Good luck everyone !!

Didnā€™t have an empty tab the other day, but was accepted.

ACT 33
SAT 1530
IB diploma
W 4.362
Lots of EC - sports, volunteering, clubs, etc
Congrats to everyone who has been accepted, and best of luck to those who are still waiting!

Congratulations! The Purdue University Admissions Committee is pleased to offer you admission to First Year Engineering in the College of Engineering at West Lafayette for Fall 2018.

ACT 35
White female
4.14 weighted

so excited!!!

Accepted First Year Engineering:

OOS Male: California
SAT: 1480
GPA W: 4.08
UW: 3.8

Accepted!! Aerospace Enginerring

OOS Asian Male
GPA: 3.74 UW
SAT: 1500
SAT II Math: 780
SAT II Physics: 770

OK EC. Strong Essays


SAT: 1480
College of Engineering
White Male
4.7 weighted, 3.95 unweighted
9 aps,
Bunch of fluff on the resume

Was hoping for some sort of scholarship. Does anyone know when those decisions are released

Accepted genetic biology :slight_smile: Does anyone know when scholarship information comes out or if it already is?

Just got accepted into First Year Engineering (FYE). Here are my statsā€¦ SAT: Composite 1490, Math 780, Reading and Writing 710 ACT: 31 GPA: Weighted (W) 4.6, Unweighted (UW) 3.7, and TONS of community service hours logged

S is accepted! OOS, Undecided. SAT 1350, WGPA 4.2 (on 5.3 scale)

OOS Asian Male
1530 SAT (790M, 740E)
34 ACT
4.3W GPA
Lots of work in Robotics (BEST and FIRST)
Internship last summer @ Georgia Tech

Never had the reply form or empty tab

Accepted! My god. Finally a college that accepted me and in Aeronautics as well!!!

Major: Finance
SAT: 1270
GPA: 4.2 Weighted; 3.81 unweighted
Didnā€™t give a crap about the essays bc I thought I was gonna get in no matter what.
Amazing ECs, President, Peer Leader, etc.

DS did not have empty tab and was accepted. OOS, Chemical Engineering, SAT 1490, 800 SAT Math 2, 800 Chemistry, 760 Physics. Homeschooled

Daughter was accepted to engineering. OOS, ACT 32, weighted GPA 4.3, strong ECs. Now waiting to hear about financial aid. I understand Purdue does not give out much so not expecting anything. Still hoping though as her friend with similar stats received some last year. Really need financial aid to make Purdue a reality with the OOS tuition and an acceptance with merit from in-state Ohio State. Purdue has the better engineering school but Ohio State is highly rated, so need to spend more time thinking about how much more a Purdue engineering degree is worth.
(We had an empty tab earlier last week.)

finally, the first one w/an empty tab and an acceptanceā€¦thereā€™s still hope!

Did anybody who had a no update for application status got in now?

Accepted. Got female engineering email this morning (never read it tho whoops). Never had that reply form tab.

Accepted: cyber security
Ib diaploma
1380 sat
No act report
Gpa 3.3636/4.3635