***PURDUE University CLASS of 2022 Admission Thread

Anyone know if Purdue has tufts syndrome aka practices yield protection?

Thereā€™s two competing theories of what the ā€œreply formsā€ mean, and either side is secretly hoping the other side gets rejected. Purdue is trying to divide us. What monstersā€¦

BTW Iā€™m an OOS Applcant applying for FYE. SAT: 1440 (790M, 650R). GPA UW:3.65, W: 4.8/4.35. I donā€™t see the reply forms. I honestly hope the tab means nothing.

Just called Purdue Admissions and the lady says she has no idea what the reply tab is. She also said there shouldnā€™t be any need to ā€œreplyā€ to anything unless you were waitlisted and they needed more info

Can you even get waitlisted out of EA?

@AspiringCS12 because Purdue Admissions clearly is open at 9PM ESTā€¦

Purdue:" Our office hours are Monday ā€“ Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Eastern Time."

@AspiringCS12 - Busted :slight_smile:

@CMUapplicantECE I was wondering the same thing.

Honestly, it just sounds like Purdue is trying to prepare for the big release and lose ends are coming out. I wish decisions were coming out tomorrow, but I guess we will all just have to wait an extra few days to find out what all of these little pieces mean.

Does anyone think that the reply forms were an accidental release only given to a few people? It could be a possibility, and that we are fretting over nothing.

@CMUapplicantECE - I do not think it is accidental. It has purpose - problem is we do not know what it is and how they want to use it.

For accepted applicants - To accept offer, housing etc
For Deferred/Denied applicants - To appeal or request more info

Biggest suspense ever

Yeah I also have the empty reply forms tab. I dont really have the best stats tho for applying to CS. 3.7 UW GPA and 31 ACT with 2 APS

Could it be for both, it just hasnā€™t made it to everybody yet? Because itā€™s about split who has it and who doesnā€™t, with no academic correlation.

Iā€™m an instate student with a 35 ACT and 1550 SAT without the reply forms tab, so I donā€™t think that not having it is a death sentence.

guys, what is a reply form?

@highsvn you need to catch up from a couple pages before this. Its a tab among other tabs in the portal and it has no information. Some people have and some donā€™t. Hence the mystery!

@louisvillelefty At the same time, thereā€™s the possibility that you could be a victim of tufts syndrome. Your stats are very high, and we know nothing about Purdueā€™s admissions practices since they switched from Rolling to having a set EA deadline this year.

@jin2000 thatā€™s what Iā€™m thinking

Im feeling a tabs war coming along. May the odds be ever in your favor.

Wait didnā€™t @showoto get the weird ā€œenrollment deposit waivedā€ message? Did you have the reply forms on your portal?