***Purdue University: Class of 2023 Discussion/Decision Thread***

I just got rejected from Georgia Tech EA. I am worried about my chances in getting into Purdue.

i wonder if admissions ever read these forums, some people here seem a little too informative

Anyone waiting in front of the screen for ea decision painfully like me? Going through the forum page is the only way to kill time for me.

Really hope I can sleep through and wake up at 4 pm…but NO I HAVE SCHOOL

Question, for anyone that was accepted last year. If accepted, did the online Congratulations message look the same each time you logged in. In other words, if the parent peaked before their child, would it look the same to the child when they logged on. There was one school my child applied to where it looked different.

@Thtwhtshesaid Your post made me laugh. My D had the audacity to change the Purdue password last night so I couldn’t see the results before her. I told her I wouldn’t look, but she didn’t believe me, lol.

@Thtswhtshesaid - Don’t peek! The message will change!

High Blood Pressure
Very High Anxiety
Extreme heart beat
Finger injury due to milion refresh hits…
I may need to call ambulance for my mom. Purdue, if you know the results, why dont you say it now!!

I am sooo glad to know I am not the only parent on here freaking out! Thank you all for being as crazy as I am.Good luck to everyone!

@citymama9 - my daughter did the same thing last year ; ). The waiting is the worst part!

I have the cancel app button as well as my second choice major listed under change major… hmm interesting. I applied for engineering as my first choice, electrical engineering tech as my second

Sorry to ask but…Where is the cancel app button? My son doesn’t have that so does that mean he’s been rejected?

My son has applied to Purdue and hopes to receive good news today. Having said that, he applied Early Admission to 11 colleges, and he’s heard back from every one except Purdue and UVA. I guess because Purdue releases their EA decisions later than most, there’s less anxiety/stress about the decision.

Click profile and application changes. Should be under “update parent information”

@BetaBaggins Thank you…unfortunately my son doesn’t have a cancel app button there. I’m guessing that means bad news is on the way:(

@BoystoCollege2 or it just means that a decision has been reached and it is too late to cancel your application :slight_smile: For those that see that, what does it say on the page that loads when you click it? Does it indicate anything about an offer of acceptance or just plain cancelling your application to Purdue?

@DocJake Thank you for the encouraging words. I appreciate it!

Today’s been the longest day in my life

@BoystoCollege2 that’s unnecessary speculation. The menu options have been going crazy since midnight and different folks are seeing different menus and links. International students see it differently. College of Science Vs College of Engineering see it differently. We have waited all along and lets give it 2-3 more hours.

The thread for one of the other colleges my daughter applied to has university admissions officers openly replying with answers to questions…I bet that many colleges frequent these conversations. They can be helpful to students who have applied and likely also learn a lot about how the job they are doing is being perceived.