***Purdue University: Class of 2023 Discussion/Decision Thread***

My son was ACCEPTED!!! FYE! We are soo excited. I wish all of you luck. My daughter was applying to colleges 4 years ago. She was waitlisted at all her top choices but ended up at the perfect school for her with a scholarship. So try to remember, if you don’t get what you want, you might get exactly what you need!

@mwoody999 Honestly just really surprised that I got in to Purdue in engineering; I have a parent who is employed at UMinn and I got rejected for engineering. Engineering was what came up in the “change major” screen for me if that means anything for you. Good luck!


First-Year Engineering
UW: 4.08/4
SAT: 1570 (800 Math, 770 RW)
Good ECs, mediocre essays

Congrats to everyone on their acceptances!


I got accepted to summer start XD

Okay, was updated at 4:00 pm central time exactly, and was denied admission. Congrats to all the students who got accepted!

The Purdue University Admissions Committee has carefully reviewed your application. Unfortunately, we cannot offer you admission to the West Lafayette campus at this time due to the competitive nature of the applicant pool and the limited amount of space available in your selected major. We encourage you to explore options for transferring to Purdue in the future. To consider you for admission as a college transfer student, we need to see 24 credit hours of college-level coursework (not remedial or developmental) with the necessary GPA for the major in which you are interested. Many majors also have specific course requirements. For information about transferring to Purdue, visit admissions.purdue.edu/transfer.

I appreciate your interest in Purdue and regret we are unable to provide the admission decision you hoped for. If you have any questions, please contact the Office of Admissions.

@klossyy can I ask why you applied to a school you had no intention in attending and took a spot away from someone who wanted to go? This is why this system is so completely flawed right now.

DS got into Polytechnic Institute, Mechanical Engineering Technology which was his second choice. First choice was Engineering - Mechanical. OOS PA. VERY happy for him. But we’re still waiting to hear from a few more schools, top choice is Virginia Tech (have to wait until February!) Good luck to everyone!

ok completely confused. My son applied first choice for CS and second choice Brain and Behavioural science. It says he was deferred from his second choice major and nothing about his first choice major. WTH?

Son accepted- college of pharmacy
SAT 1530, strong essay, good EC
Daughter- applied RD, so still waiting…
We are OOS

D accepted!

3.45 UW / 4.31 W
31 ACT
Psychology major

Got an email at 3:40PM CST.

@RoboticsWidow I got it and my mom was specifically looking for you, given the emotions you had a hour or so ago. She is so happy for you and wishes you and your child all the very best

@doge123 I live right by Purdue’s campus and my parent works there so it was a safety school for me

Denied but it was more of curiosity for me since my S will go in state Rutgers which is also good for CS

Deferred until March 15 for First Year Engineering. Did not select a second choice when applying.

Accepted College of Engineering
sat 1510
toefl 104
gpa 3.73 unweighted
decent recommendation and essay i think

Son got the email from Purdue: Congratulations - you are A Boilermaker. But didn’t say which college. He applied EC. Does this mean he didn’t get accepted by Engineer College?

Son got his email at 4:38 pm est. From CT. Very pleased and proud to be accepted at Purdue. Great school.

Accepted engineering (Aerospace)!
OOS (Canadian-American dual citizen)
IB course load

Very excited, leaning towards another school but I knew that going in. I guess I might end up picking based off campuses.