***Purdue University: Class of 2023 Discussion/Decision Thread***

Thanks @NJEngDad

3.6 uw gpa with a fat upward trend
10 APs
35 ACT (35/33/36/35)
several ECs with a ton of commitment
decent essays
applied to aerospace engineering - my stats are on the low end, but I’m hoping for the best

@NJEngDad 4 pm CST or EST?

Purdue is on eastern time.

@bbq5ue @citymama9 @DocJake , I dont see such a link called accept offer. Which page have you seen it? do you still see it? Can you please confirm.

@“AeroSpace Enthusiast” The “accept offer” link is located at the top of the page when we log into the application tracker. We have seen it from the start of the application process. It seems a generic link for students to know the next steps once admitted.

Does anyone know whether Purdue notifies Honors College decision along with the decision decision… or would that come later… If so, when is that?

Last cycle, honors notifications came out a few weeks after the EA decisions.

Thank you @momofsenior1

Can I still get merit aid if I apply regular decision?

I couldn’t help asking: I am an International student who submitted my application on Dec. 25th with good stats and ECs for the FYE program. However, up to now (Jan.1st) myPurdue portal still shows that my TOEFL score is missing even though I sent them 10 days ago, and I am pretty sure they have arrived. Since their office is closed for the winter recess, will my application being considered for the RD round? I know I applied kinda late, but do they use rolling admission during the RD round? Thanks in advance!

@LegendaryJohn Sadly, probably not. You have to submit your application by November 1st to be considered for most of the merit scholarships that Purdue offers university-wide. There are some scholarships that the priority deadline is Nov. 1st, so there’s theoretically still a chance you could receive one if you submitted your application after that date, but the odds are incredibly low, considering the EA group will have the most competitive pool of applicants (It’s the priority deadline for Purdue’s most competitive majors). I don’t know about department-specific scholarships, but I’d imagine Nov. 1st is probably their deadline as well, for the most part.
You can look at information about scholarships here: https://www.admissions.purdue.edu/costsandfinaid/scholarships.php
Apologies I couldn’t give you better news, and good luck!

@chaixxxxxin I’d call or e-mail the admissions office to check if everything’s alright if your scores don’t show up on your checklist within the next day or two as everything is processed by the admissions offices, but as long as your TOEFL scores were submitted by the deadline, you’ll probably be alright.
As for rolling admissions, I’m actually a bit confused by Purdue’s policy, to be honest. As long as your application meets the RD deadline, it’ll be evaluated with that pool, regardless of whether it was submitted Dec. 1st or Dec. 31st, and you’ll have a decision by March 15th. Beyond that and EA, there are a couple sources that say Purdue uses rolling admissions for whatever space is left, but the university website itself doesn’t really clarify (If anyone else has anything to say, please correct me!).
Hope this helps, and good luck!

We were told last cycle (at least for engineering), that they no longer do rolling admission. It’s either EA or RD.

Just under two weeks left! Good luck to you all!

Hello, Just curious. ~10 days before UMich Decision, there was some 30-40 pages of applicant conversation in College Confidential. Purdue is an amazing college and my #1 choice. But, why is it not getting the eyeballs that other colleges are getting? Why is not spoken about?

@“AeroSpace Enthusiast” I’m no expert on these trends, but if I had to guess, I would say it’s because UMich has a lower acceptance rate (~30%, I think) than Purdue (~59%, I believe), leading to more worrying from their applicants on average than over here. Michigan also gets a ton of publicity each year thanks to its football and basketball programs, moreso than Purdue, usually (Except for that one OSU-Purdue game this year Buckeyes never want to think about again).
Neither college is better or worse than the other, they’re both fantastic schools, but logistically speaking, Michigan is going to have stressed more applicants on average than Purdue posting on CC, similar to how the Ivy League has its own forum compared to the likes of Stanford, UChicago, WashU, etc. I’d also bet a lot of money that most of its applicants on here are OOS, which is an incredibly competitive pool, particularly for majors like engineering.
Anyone else want to chime in?

@TerrisAdAstra I completely agree. I also notice a trend that those who are involved with their application (and have a CC account) tend to be those applying to the Engineering school at Purdue. The high general acceptance rate of Purdue is mostly due to the other majors since Engineering majors are very competitive. As a result, only those who are applying to Engineering are the ones stressed about their decision since it’s basically the only competitive major at Purdue while many majors are competitive at Michigan.

I also think there’s less discussion right now because Purdue lets its EA applicants know when to expect a decision, on Jan 15 (which I really appreciate!) The UMich applicants didn’t know exactly when to expect a decision, thus 50+ pages of speculation and stressing. ?

Thanks so much @UKexpat88 @2km2km and @TerrisAdAstra Very valid points and much appreciated. That clarifies. Thanks.