***Purdue University: Class of 2023 Discussion/Decision Thread***

Accepted: College of Science- mathematics
SAT: 1460
GPA: 3.75 UW

Did RD admission come out yet?

Hi! Can someone chance me for Purdue RD??

GPA: 3.28 UW, 3.72 W
SAT: 1360 (700 English, 660 Math)
7 APs by the end of senior year
5 Honors classes
Major: Political Science


  • 2 Congressional internships
  • founder of online magazine focused on social justice & pop culture
  • junior captain of school’s debate team
  • 200+ hours of volunteer hours
  • founder of educational seminar at my volunteer center.

Our in state son received notification that he was awarded $4K Presidential and $1K for the Hispanic Scholar.

@PadreDe3 I have the national Hispanic scholar recognition, but I didn’t receive any notification of the scholarship. i didn’t list it on my application so that might be why, eek! :frowning:

@PadreDe3 - is the scholarship information sent by email or regular mail or portal?
any idea if Purdue sent out all scholarships already or are they going to send more in following weeks.

D did not hear anything about scholarships yet but got admitted student day mail a couple of times.

Also what stats and majors get the scholarships?

@learning19 the less competitive the major, the more scholarships are given out. Purdue has no reason to give scholarships to kids in majors like FYE and computer science – top-tier students are willing to come without additional incentive.

@Mojo88 - How did you receive your scholarship information? Can you let me know your child’s stats for the OOS scholarship he/she received.

I just read on the Purdue Facebook page that all University-Wide Merit Scholarships were posted on a students portal on January 25th. If your student did not get a letter than they will not receive merit aid. No Purdue for us :frowning:

@MomMartha I received trustees as an oos student who applied for data science. I have 1500 sat and 3.9 UW. I honestly don’t know what they look for with merit aid but it must be something beyond stats because there are students who have much better test scores than me who received presidential rather than trustees. I think it is truly holistic.

@CoolChem my older son who now attends IU as a Sophomore also wasn’t given the Hispanic Scholar award, but all that it took once I learn about the $1000 award was an email to admissions to let them know that he was a Hispanic Scholar (we provided the corresponding paperwork) and they promptly added it to his bursar account. So I suggest that you go ahead and contact admissions and politely ask them about it. What is the worse that could happen?

As oppose to other awards, I believe (& could be wrong) that the Hispanic Scholar award is an automatic award of $1K. As far as I know as long as you were selected as a Hispanic Scholar (based on Junior Year HS PSAT scores that were taken by or before the Fall of your HS junior year), you are granted the award (of course assumes acceptance)

Does anyone know when Honors College decisions come out?

No scholarship for me. Admitted to my first choice (Data Science), 1500 SAT, 3.7 UW, 4.53 W, great ECs…

Was really hoping for some aid…

It’s very holistic. I received the Presidential scholarship of 10k for engineering. My stats are way lower, 1390 sat and 3.65 uw. My extracurriculars and essays were good. My other classmates with higher stats did not receive any aid and I was truly shocked.

Does anyone remember what the scholarship essay questions were?


Intended Major: Management
ACT: 31
SAT II: 770 math II/670 physics/720 Spanish
Unweighted GPA: 3.64
Weighted GPA: 3.85
Aawarded 16k in total

Son received Presidential scholarship for $10K/year. OOS 1330 SAT 3.67UW for Exploratory Studies. Clearly a holistic decision. I’m encouraged about a pathway for him to study engineering which is what he thinks he wants. Thank you @afluffymuffin for your input. Purdue is son’s top choice at this point.

@ChickenNuggets2001 where on the portal was your scholarship info posted? Thank you

click on documents in your application portal. If you received a scholarship you should have gotten a notification in your gmail.

That really seems to be true, but disheartening for hard-working students with high test scores, GPAs, numerous extra curriculars, and leadership. It appears Purdue looks within majors to award merit, and then looks holistically at student characteristics. There is no extra essay for these merit awards, so this has nothing to do with essays.