***Purdue University: Class of 2023 Discussion/Decision Thread***

@uniquefirsttry That is almost exactly what ours looks like. So they are only offering you those two loans even though your expected family contribution (determined by your answers on the FAFSA) is around $20,000 So to attend you will need to find outside funding to make up the $26,000 beyond the $19,000 they expect you to already have. We are OOS as well. We are hoping some IS options will come back. But most schools here don’t release admissions decisions until March.

@uniquefirsttry Boy our kids should meet! My son was accepted FYE at Purdue with no financial aid (the same loans you were offered) and at WPI for ME with $12,000 Presidential scholarship. We are in Chula Vista CA so either way he’s flying at about $500 each time. So They are about the same cost for us. He’s applying for some FIRST robotics scholarships at WPI so if those come back as a yes then WPI it is.

Good luck! Youre user name is hilarious!

There is so much we like about WPI. I wish he could just make a decision and have it over with nut we have to wait on other places he’s applied to see if they come in with good offers. Also to see if he even gets into some which are competitive engineering programs! Not assuming anything.

When are decisions supposed to come out? I applied 12/31

I was deferred from EA pool and I have a second choice major. When will my decision come out?

Anyone get decisions today?

@osopwpoej Nope! Still waiting!

@osopwpoej No! I’m still waiting .

Decisions for regular decision at Purdue are rolling anywhere from January 15 thru March 15. This is according to their website. Best of luck!

Has anyone received decision this week?

My daughter is honors and Krannert we OOS from NJ. Anyone else similar planning to attend?

Background: My S was accepted to Purdue EA a few months ago. He applied to FYE and put down business (Krannert) as 2nd choice and he was accepted into Krannert. It was one of 2 large school apps he put in (the rest are smaller LAC’s). He can’t quite decide if he’s a big or small school kid. Visited Pitt after acceptance and recognized that he’s not a big school/city kid. We are going to see Purdue late—4/22—after all acceptances are in to see if he likes it. We are in WNY, it’s 8hrs away but possibly a local friend going there too. We’ve never been there.

Question: Krannert was just a pencil choice—he’s really more undecided. Anyone know if you can switch from Krannert to undecided w/any ease? Can he begin in the business track but have enough room in the schedule to try a few science classes b/c he still may have interest in other areas? How hard is it to transfer into CoE after admittance. Anyone ever actually done it? Also: Is there any disadvantage to waiting until 5/1 to make the deposit? Housing priorities? He’s not honors college.


@abbeany No issue for housing. They don’t make assignments until the summer and there is no correlation between when a student deposits and their dorm.

It should be very straightforward to transfer into exploratory studies.

Not quite as straight forward to transition to CoE but it depends on the major. I would make an appointment to talk to the engineering folks when you are visiting.

Not sure about what the Krannett course sequence looks like for freshman but to be able to transition to engineering, there are a good number of course requirements. I’m on my phone and traveling (currently at Purdue) otherwise I would give you the link for the engineering transition to major requirements.

Good luck with the decision!

@momofsenior1 Thanks for the reply. We did look at the CoE transfer requirements online but somewhat vague and no idea if anyone has actually successfully done it or if it’s really just a stated option.

I realize that no one wants an engineer that doesn’t have the most comprehensive training and expertise and is at the top of their field. That being said, it’s been tough to find schools where a student can migrate into engineering after a semester or 2 of exploration. My 17yr old just doesn’t know if it’s what he wants but most of the major universities (not talking about Ivies or sub-Ivies here) want direct admit, 1500 SAT and top 5% of class. He’s does not meet that criteria so all admits have been to general studies. The LAC’s have more of a generalized physics path w/some partnering w/larger institutions w/ 3-1-1 programs but no idea if that’s a route either. Heck, he could fall into something totally different once he’s in college b/c all he knows right now is the standard HS curriculum.

Looking forward to hearing from others about this as well.

OOS tuition to explore majors seems expensive to me. Maybe a good CC for a year or two till your son has a clearer picture of what he wants to study? I am probably not the best resource though, my son has been telling us since the 3rd grade that he would build planes…….“big ones that go high and fast” was the exact quote.:slight_smile:

@FLGDAD Thanks for your reply! I think it is awesome that your son wants to build high and fast planes!

I understand, respect and appreciate those that take the CC route. Several in his class will do this and it is a great option for them. This is my 3rd rodeo, so to speak, so we are comfortable in our decision to support his path at a 4yr college. We have reaped many benefits from my older 2 choosing this route and know he will benefit as well.

I plan to spend some time at our Purdue visit asking about how the school guides undecided students or even students who have possible paths but not yet chosen a distinct major.

@abbeany You can fill out the Change Major Form with a short essay in your portal to request changing to another major. If your request were not fulfilled, you wouldn’t lose your original spot.

@abbeany - I’m back home so was able to look up the course requirements to transition to an engineering major:

  1. ENGR 16100 (or ENGR 13100). - basically Engineering design 1. (161 is honors, 131 is "regular")
  2. ENGR 16200 (or ENGR 13200 and PHYS 17200). - eng. design 2

3… MA 16100 or MA 16500 - calc sequence depending on where you are starting out

  1. MA 16200, or MA 16600, or MA 17300 - continuation of calc sequence).
  2. CHM 11500 or [CHM 11100 and CHM 11200]. - inorganic chem
  3. PHYS 17200 or [ENGR 16100 and ENGR 16200]. -honors students have physics integrated into engineering 16100 and 16200. Engr 13100/13200 doesn't have the physics component so freshman FYEs have to take an additional physics course.
  4. One science selective course (typically either CHM 11600 or CS 15900). - this is generally intended major dependent. For example, my DD is going to transition to chem e so she took an extra chemistry class. BMEs usually take chem and most other majors take CS.
  5. One course that meets the Written Communication Foundational Outcome (typically ENGL 10600, ENGL 10800, or HONR 19903). - Students with a 4 or 5 in AP language and comp can place out of this.
  6. One course that meets the Oral Communication Foundational Outcome (typically COM 11400)- there is a test to place out of this but I believe Krannert students also have this requirement. (FWIW, my daughter loved her communications classes).

The above classes are over the first two semester of freshman year. Again, some courses can be placed out of by AP or DE credits but as you can see, there are a lot of requirements for engineering.

It’s definitely doable for an exploratory majors students to fit these all in, but I’m not sure if it would be possible for a Krannert student because of their own first year requirements.

It should be relatively straight forward to move from Krannert to Exploratory Studies. A bit less straight forward to move to Engineering if your student is interested in one of the capped majors. Don’t know how hard it would be to move from Exploratory back to Krannert.

Here’s the link to the exploratory studies process: https://www.purdue.edu/exploratory/future-students/explore-exploratory-studies/expl_process.html.

Another great resource at Purdue for enrolled students is the career center. Part of what they offer is help exploring majors and careers: https://www.cco.purdue.edu/Students/CareerCompass

Hopefully this helps in formulating questions to ask when you visit campus.

@momofsenior1 This is great info. I saw some of it on the website but your addl comments are helpful. I will communicate your info to the kid to see what he thinks. My guess is that he has already written off Eng. b/c he did not get the direct admit and may find another science based major that may not be so difficult. Or, may stay in Krannert and go from there!