Purdue University Computer Science

What are my chances of getting accepted to Purdue University Computer Science with 3.65 UW GPA and 1250 SAT score? I’m resitting SAT and will surely get between 1300 to 1350.

It’s hard to say, but CS is ridiculously competitive at Purdue. The good news is that you don’t need them to have a well-paid career in computers. I’ve worked with literature majors and college dropouts who are experts at coding. In fact, most programming doesn’t require math at all. A degree in Information Technology is more than sufficient, and would actually be a good alternative major if the CS department doesn’t let you in. Having a business background is a sought after skill in the corporate world. You have excellent grades and scores and that should give you tons of options.

Alright, thanks for your reply. I have registered for December SAT; I will try my best to score a minimum of 1350.

I recently toured Purdue. They have a poster in their CS building with fall 2018 Stats. 4500+ applications for CS. 28% admit rate. Thenguide said 34+ ACT scores. It’s very difficult.

Isn’t the deadline Nov 1 for CS? I think it’s too late for the OP. At least that’s what it was last year.

Yea, I have already applied to Purdue. They told me to update them with my new SAT score in December but I just wanted to make sure regarding what my chances are.

The ones I know from my kid’s HS who are at Purdue (all CS or Cybersecurity majors) all had SAT scores between 1440-1510 (sample size of 3). However I’m not sure what the overall average range for CS majors would be.

Go here. Purdue provides the answers.


See the thread, with posts, started by @iwantpurdue in this forum.

@ProfessorPlum168 Did those kids get scholarship money?

@alliblues sorry, don’t know the answer to that. Once they accept, I lose track lol.

I got in with a 2.4 gpa and 19 act score.

Doubt that.