Purdue V. UCR - Undergraduate Business

<p>I would agree that there are certainly those cases but they do not represent a majority of the student population. A good friend of mine graduated UC Berkeley with honors and surprisingly he did not take many AP courses in HS, had a 1090/1600 SAT and only a 3.6 GPA. In fact by statistics even though this was several years ago, on the very bottom end of UC Berkeley statistic wise. Where is he now? At the UCLA Law School where his gf is actually a Cornell grad.</p>

<p>This is going to be a reference to posts made on page 1, but Brown being ranked the lowest ivy (by a very small margin, to note) means nothing. It is also one of the hardest ivies (indeed schools) to get into in the nation and one of the most desirable destinations for high school grads.</p>