Purdue vs Case Western - Computer Engineering!

Hey guys, I was accepted to Ohio state, WPI, northeastern, Purdue, Case western reserve and UWashington- Seattle for Computer engineering.
Of them I’m deciding between Case and Purdue.
The Cost of Attending Purdue and Case is almost same ( 10k/year scholarship) ,
Case isn’t ranked as high as Purdue, but I’ve heard its a great school! ( Classes are smaller, higher prof availability etc)
Could you guys give your opinions on these 2 schools? ( Based on quality of education, grad school prospects and the social life there?)
Thanks a lot! :smiley: (International student)
Any thoughts on these schools would be appreciated :stuck_out_tongue:

I am a Mom of an electrical and computer engineering student at Case and would provide the following thoughts:

  1. Case is MUCH smaller than Purdue under graduate (c 4300 students at Case versus 30,000 at Purdue). Think about whether you want to have smaller classes where you actually know your teachers versus being one of hundreds in a class

  2. The Case ECE program is very challenging and my son has really enjoyed his computer courses so far. I cannot compare quality of teaching, but many large public universities like Purdue use teaching assistants rather then professors to teach lower level courses. This has not been my son’s experience at Case.

  3. There are many foreign students at Case and they are well integrated into the population of students. My son’s roommate is from China and they get along very well.

  4. I imagine Purdue is more of a party school in terms of energy around socializing and sports. Case is much more low key socially and sports are not a big deal. My son has a great group of friends and like many at Case their idea of fun is hanging out together rather than going to a party and drinking or going to a football game.

  5. Cleveland is a nice mid sized City with a lot is interesting things to do and Case is in a very nice neighborhood.

  6. The opportunities to get involved in grad research at Case are terrific. The grad program is actually larger than the undergrad so there are many opportunities available to students. At a public school like Purdue getting involved in research is likely more difficult.

  7. Roughly 40% of Case students major in engineering.and about 2/3 major in engineering or hard sciences like Chem or Math. Case will have a more “techie” community of students.

Two good but different choices. Our D was accepted to both and chose Purdue. She liked the size, the community and atmosphere at Purdue over Case. That being said both are superb Universities for engineering majors of all sorts.

Case has around 1800 engineering majors, Purdue has around 7000. Case has a good number of foreign students, Purdue has over 10,000 graduate and undergraduate foreign students. For my D at least all of her classes have been taught by Professors. The only classes she has had with TA’s are recitations. She has gotten a 5 term co-op position and discussed research with 11 different professors before narrowing it down to 4 then 1.

Purdue is a Big 10 school with most of the major sports, however compared to many large universities, while the sports pride is evident they are more proud of their engineering traditions than their sports traditions.

West Lafayette is a very safe community and while both areas are cold Cleveland get a lot more snow.

I know students and graduates from both institutions and one similarity is they they all speak highly of the education and experience they had at their respective universities. Good luck.

THANKS A LOT! :smiley: @Ivvcsf @mmcdeb‌