Purdue vs. Cooper Union

Hello! I am a prospective electrical engineering major, I have been accepted into both Purdue and Cooper Union, and I am currently struggling on which college to choose. I understand that they are both great schools and that I can’t go wrong with my choice (that’s what makes it so hard to choose!!!)

As an out of state resident for both colleges, the prices of Purdue & Cooper Union are roughly the same for me, so that issue is mainly out of the picture.

I do prefer to live in a bigger city (and of course it doesn’t get better than living in NYC), and I understand that Cooper Union is a much smaller school, but at the same time, a part of me wants to have a college experience and college life that I would get at Purdue. I just wish that Purdue was…not in the middle of nowhere and not two hours away from Chicago…

One thing I do particularly like about Cooper aside from its location is the fact that it is really small. I do prefer a smaller, tight knit community. I know that it’ll help me get closer with my classmates and professors. I also know that Cooper Union looks for a very specific kind of person, and I think I match the type of student that would go to Cooper. However, I am also in Purdue’s Honor College, which I feel like in a way gives me a smaller, tight knit community. Plus, I feel like it would give me a more diverse education with interdisciplinary perspectives as it is such a big school with so many people (and CU only has art, architecture and engineering, even though those are my main interests)

Another thing about Cooper’s size is its… limits. I’m interested in learning Computer Engineering and I am not sure if Cooper Union has that. I know they most likely do as Computer Engineering and Electrical Engineering overlap in a way, but I am just worried that Cooper will lack in resources in relation to Purdue. Moreover, I know that Cooper Union will lack in its extracurriculars and social scene in comparison to Purdue due to its size, but I’m not sure if that’s something I care too much about.

Another factor is probably its recognizability. Many people want me to go to Purdue simply because they can recognize it more and it’s ranked #4 in Engineering in U.S. News, and Cooper Union isn’t as known in general. However, Cooper is much more selective and it’s very impressive for those who know about the school and are in touch with the engineering world.

Another factor is housing. At Purdue, I think for all of my years I will be guaranteed housing, while at Cooper Union, housing is only offered for the first year, so I will have to either find my own place to live in NYC (very scary…) or live with my aunt an hour away and just commute.

One last factor is my AP Credits. I have enough AP Credits to possibly skip years at Purdue, saving money, while at Cooper, they only accept credits for one AP Class I have taken.

So basically:

Cooper Union:


prestigious & highly respected

in NYC!!!

smaller campus, tight-knit and intimate community

a more project-based learning style that I am interested in


not as well known to the general public

In NYC (price+crime)

smaller student body, less options for resources (+ extracurricular activities)

no housing after first year



Prestigious engineering program

big school

in honors college

housing + could maybe skip years


located in a relatively small town with limited cultural amenities and entertainment options

large class sizes (not as close of an experience w professors)

other programs are not as highly regarded

Now that I’m thinking about it, what’s mainly drawing me away from Purdue and towards Cooper Union is mostly CU’s location in NYC and the fact that Purdue’s acceptance rate is around 70% while Cooper’s is around 15%.

However, I would like to ask these questions: Is there anything important I am overlooking? What else should I take into account? Any guidance or recommendations on my choice?

I know that no matter where I go I can thrive, but I hope that you guys have advice that could help me with my choice! Thank you.

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Wow - tough problem. Door A and you win. Door B and you win.

Cooper Union would be unique.

OK - Purdue is not in the middle of nowhere. It’s an hour to Indy - so forget Chicago, and while W Lafayette isn’t a metropolis, it’s also not nothing with 45K plus students.

The Honors College at Purdue has a unique curriculum. It’s not for everyone - my son wouldn’t apply. Is it for you?

So you said - I don’t know if Cooepr U has computer engineering. Well if that’s what you want and they don’t have it - guess what? Hmmm - I see electrical…but not computer. How about you call and ask? That would be sort of a deal breaker.

@momofboiler1 likely knows about Purdue housing but if Purdue is like other schools, many/most even likely move off campus after first year.

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Two great but very different options. You have a good handle on the pros and cons of both colleges. It comes down to what type of experience you want. Nobody here can (or should) answer that for you.

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As you’ve noted, they are two quality choices. And you’ve identified most of the pros/cons of both.

Fwiw, Lafayette certainly isn’t NYC, but the MSA has roughly 225,000 inhabitants. It’s not really in the middle of nowhere (depending on your definition).

Fwiw, my older daughter lived in Purdue housing all four years, in a campus-operated apartment the last three. My younger is staying in it for year two. Iirc, ~25% seniors are in campus housing.

Early graduation is challenging in Engineering, given a fairly rigorous set of required courses and pre-requisites. Take a look at the Plan of Study for intended majors to see if it’s even feasible. It’s nice to have space for extra courses, but early graduation/cost saving is tough. It’s not easy anywhere, but outside of Engineering, 5.5% of the class that started in 2019 graduated in 3 years. In Engineering, it was 1.2%.

Fwiw, both of my kids are very happy at Purdue - Engineering 2021 graduate and current CS Freshman.

My daughter is a Purdue engineering student graduating this spring. A couple of things -

Housing isn’t technically guaranteed but returning students who renew their housing contracts typically are able to stay on campus. That said, most upperclassman move off campus because housing is less expensive than the dorms.

I would not count on being able to graduate early. My D came in with enough credits to be a 2nd semester sophomore but could have only shaved off one semester because of course sequencing. What those credits did help with, was freeing up her schedule for certifications, and concentrations, along with being able to add extra electives.

I also want to add that my daughter has had very close relationships with professors throughout her time at Purdue. Professors are very engaged with the undergrad population.

Lastly, for a STEM focused school, Purdue has a robust arts scene on campus. Tons of musical groups, theater performances, art shows, etc… You won’t be bored in WL ; )

Good luck with your decision! You have great options!


Good point - my son went in with 30 or so credits - but in engineering, it was still a four year path.

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One more note, Purdue engineering acceptance rate is much much more competitive than the university as a whole. Its been 34-37% the last few years. And honors shoots to enroll the top 10% of the incoming class by college, so extremely competitive for engineers.

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CU has excellent EE

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Yes - but OP wants computer engineering. They often overlap but since they don’t mention it, the student should follow up to determine if it’s available - guessing it is but you don’t want to make that mistake.

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My son also faced the exact two choices: Purdue (FYE) vs. Cooper Union. We are from New York and live on Long Island, so we are familiar with city life. However, West Lafayette in Indiana offers the kind of college experience we would want for our son, who is also a big sports fan.

At this time, we lean towards CU since it does give us an option of not dorming if my son decides to get a place in East Village or move back home after freshman year. So there is some financial advantage for my son to attend CU. Also, it is hard to give up all that you outlined as the pros of CU, small class size, selectivity, etc.

I personally know friends and relatives that attended CU when it was free. One went on to get a Ph.D. from Columbia U. and has been working at a pharmaceutical company since graduation. The other was a civil engineer, and as far as I know, he always had a job, even after relocating to Texas. Granted, if you ask them, they are not jumping up and down over their college lives. For parents that went to a school without a campus, it is natural that they want their children to have a full college experience, one that Purdue offers.

I went to a large Ivy, and I can say the allure of campus life can be a little overrated. Until I found a club to join and a few friends to study with, I felt very alone on such a large campus. I often tell my kids that I don’t remember the name of any of my professors!

May I ask what state you live in, since you said both Purdue and CU are out of state for you.


I am a Nevada resident

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Wow, all the way from Nevada! Therefore I assume you have not visited Cooper in person? We signed up for a tour right after my son submitted his application.

Yes, I haven’t visited either school, but I plan to do so soon. I have seen their virtual tours though (but of course it isn’t the same as seeing the schools in person)


Thank you all for your responses! I will keep them in mind, especially the fact that it would be harder to skip years especially as an engineering major. I also learned that Cooper Union will allow me to pursue my interest in computer engineering, so that isn’t a problem for me. As of now, I am mayybee leaning more towards Purdue.

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i work next to CU - great neighborhood!


We were thinking about visiting Purdue during spring break. It will take a flight into Indianapolis and an hour-long shuttle into the West Lafayette campus. Cooper is in a good part of East Village, right next to NYU. Flying into LGA and a relatively short ride into Manhattan. Keep us posted on the forum!


I think after a visit your preference will become clear. Please come back to CC and let us know. And congrats again.


Hello! I forgot to reply to this thread for a while, but after looking at all the factors & visiting, I chose Purdue! :slight_smile:


I appreciate the update! Congrats and best wishes to you in Purdue!

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