Purdue vs Drexel for Business

My daughter is debating between Purdue Business school and Drexel for undergrad.
Purdue - no scholarship - but loves the campus
Drexel- a considerable scholarship money - Honors college - BS MBA program with 2 co ops - but doesn’t like the campus much!

We know Purdue is rated better than Drexel, just want to know all your inputs on her decision. anyone went through the same situation? Thanks in advance.

We’re from PA so we visited the Philly schools. Drexel and LeBow was a pleasant surprise. Both S20 and S21 applied and got nice merit. The honors kids were impressive.

I wouldn’t use the MBA in my decision. MBA’s aren’t as necessary today, especially without work experience.

The drawback was Philly. Neither one accepted. Several kids from our HS have recently transferred out of Philly schools because of the crime. Do your own due diligence. Good luck.

I believe Purdue emphasizes co-ops too. There are pros and cons for co-ops but some type of work experience is always better.

If she loves Purdue and it’s affordable go for it. Fit and finding a school where they’ll thrive is important.


My cousin graduated from Drexel business school and is very involved with the alumni association because he loved his college so much. He also got a significant scholarship and gave up more “prestigious” schools at full pay. He did at least 3 co-ops in finance, wealth management in San Francisco, Delaware (JP Morgan I think) and NYC. Was offered London co-op but declined it for San Fran. De was sophomore year and he was offered a job right away but his dad had him decline because “if they’ll hire you now they’ll hire you s a few years”. It was true, he had multiple offers on Wall St, Delaware and Philly. He has been out for 7-8 years and is doing very well. Has no plans for MBA because it’s not necessary for his goals at this point. The quarter system for classes let him take some fun classes like a wine tasting class. He ended up really liking philly and met his wife in the city.


Are both affordable with no loans/no hardship? If so, I’d let her choose. If Purdue is not comfortably affordable then Drexel may be the better bet.

Did she get into any schools with a scholarship and a campus she prefers to Drexel?

Does she like the idea of a co-op program?

Don’t do an MBA out of undergrad. It’s wasting a lot of $$ - even if you have co op experience.

Starting salaries vs an mba from a top 40 could be 50-60k difference.

Drexel is urban. Purdue isn’t.

Can you afford both ? If so, go to the environment she likes best.

Ps - what major ? That might matter too. Business is general - what discipline?

I don’t believe the area around Drexel is particularly problematic. FWIW I’ve heard more concerns about the areas surrounding Temple and Lasalle. But OP should visit if possible and make his/her own determination. Some students just don’t want an urban college.


True Drexel is adjacent to Penn. when we looked at Penn we sort of ran into Drexel. So crime should be similar.

Yes both affordable after scholarship. She fell in love with Purdue but that’s the only positive side she can talks about, for Drexel, except for campus Soical life she likes everything else!

If both are affordable I’d let her choose.

She fell in love with Purdue.

She doesn’t like the campus life at Drexel - so that’s a big thing not to like.

So why wouldn’t she go to Purdue? A fine school.

And it will potentially save her hundreds of thousands of lost income - because going straight through to your MBA is likely an earnings killer.


Agree that a MBA with no work experience typically isn’t that valuable (unless you need the additional credits for a CPA license or something like that).

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