Purdue vs. U of Minnesota vs. U of San Francisco for Nursing

<p>I've been accepted to the nursing program in Purdue at West Lafayette, U of Minnesota and U of San Francisco as direct entry freshman. Which should I choose? All has its pros and cons. I'm from California. The weather is nice in U of San Francisco, very close to home, but expensive, and small campus, possibly expensive rent. Purdue is in a suburb, more known for its engineering program, but I heard its nursing program is fine too. Very quiet town, and I have to pay out of state. U of Minnesota is really cold, but cost is reasonable and the program is good. Decision, decision. Any insight?</p>

<p>USF’s Lo Schiavo Science Complex is only a year old, and the nursing program is well funded. Purdue and U Minnesota are really impressive schools, much larger than USF. You should feel very proud and ready to take on the world with acceptances from such fine places. Either choice is a winner. Hard work has paid off.</p>

<p>Thank you. I still cannot make up my mind yet.</p>

<p>I’d choose USF since I’m from California as well. If you don’t mind, could you post your stats? </p>

<p>purdue or case western, which would you choose? or still USF?</p>