<p>Hi. I am a sophomore and still have not decided my major yet. i started school with biololgy </p>
<p>major but wanted to switch the major to Ams (applied math and stats, which is in engineering school) by taking math </p>
<p>class. I do have a great in interest in financial engineering..and as of now, my goal is to </p>
<p>get into a good financial engineering program after undergraduate...I do know that i have </p>
<p>to take alot of math and business classes to prepare for the program..but i am not sure what iam supposed to major in.. </p>
<p>pure math, or AMS?? </p>
<p>-btw, im also minoring in Entreprenuership management, where i took many accounting,and other business classes.</p>
<p>I want to add one more question. In my school, there's not a big difference between pure mathematics and AMS. Calc 1,2,3, Lin algebra, Differential.. these three classes are the same requirements. Only 4 classes are different, here is the chart.</p>
<p>pure mathematics; Analysis 1,2(Introduction to Real Analysis, Calculus on Manifolds), Advanced Algebra 1,2(or number theory)</p>
<p>AMS: Scientific Computing, Intro to Optimization, Prob Stats 1,2</p>
<p>above chart shows there are four different required courses for each major. Which is a heavier courseload?</p>