<p>I'm a white female nonathlete nonlegacy Swedish citizen attending a private international high school in Washington, DC, where I am completing a bilingual IB Diploma in English and French.</p>
IB Chemistry HL
IB English A1 HL
IB French A1 HL
IB Biology SL
IB Mathematics SL
IB History SL
Theory of Knowledge
GPA: 6.3 out of 7 where 6=A- and 7=A+
PSAT: 232
SAT I: 2270 (800CR, 760M, 710W)
SAT IIs: 800 (French), 750 (Literature), 700 (Math II), 680 (Biology-M, retaking), 650 (Chemistry, retaking)</p>
*School newspaper (9-12): News & Features Editor, Photography Editor; the newspaper has received the Columbia Scholastic Press Association gold medal every year during this time
*Photography (10-12): Taking courses at a local darkroom 3.5 hours/week, featured in a local exhibition of student photographers two years in a row, lots of independent work, sending a portfolio
*Equestrian (1-12): 10+ years but not competitively (horse shows are expensive!), worked 40 hours/week as an instructor at riding camp for a month this summer
*Amnesty International (9-12): Not-very-active member in grades 9-11; head of corporate accountability campaign (one of three issues that we are working on this year) in grade 12, and currently in charge of organizing a movie/discussion event in cooperation with the Gay-Straight Alliance... I'm not actually sure what my official title is, but I'm by far the most involved senior (and possibly member) aside from the president.
*Volunteering at a local hospital (12): 15 hours/week for a month this summer (while I was working), 4 hours/week during the year
*Model UN (12)
*Chemistry tutor (paid) (11-12)
*Yearbook (9-10)
*Self-studying Spanish
*misc. art, writing, crafts, cooking, etc that does not serve any purpose or fit on a resumé but that I am including anyway because what the hell</p>
*Fluent in Swedish, French, and English (chronological order); self-studying Spanish
*Lived in Stockholm (1989-1990, 1998-2001), Moscow (1990-1994), and Brussels (1994-1998) before moving to DC in 2001
*Academic interests include but are not limited to biology, chemistry, economics, English, environmental science, French, languages in general, international relations, neuroscience, and sociology, in alphabetical order because I am still undecided.
*I'm very uncertain about career goals, but when I think about what would be my ideal job right now, I picture myself at an international organization working with issues like education, public health, or the environment. That would tie together my international background and language skills, issues that I'm passionate about, and my ever-so-idealistic wish to Help People and Make A Difference.
*The teachers writing my recommendations are my English teacher (grades 9, 11, 12) and my Chemistry teacher (grades 8, 10, 11, 12). I may submit a supplementary rec from my TOK teacher and newspaper advisor.
*I'm supposedly a good writer when I try, so hopefully my essays will be decent.
*I'm submitting a photography portfolio. There's no way for me to say this without sounding arrogant, but basically, I know I'm good. It's the only part of my app I'm really confident about.</p>
<p>The list</p>
<p>University of Chicago
<p>Bryn Mawr
<p>My ultimate last-resort safety</p>
<p>Uppsala University, Sweden</p>