<p>So I bought a couple of PR's Live Grader tokens, wrote an essay, submitted it too be marked, now I am going to submit it on CC and see if the scores differ drastically. I just need some help from all you posters here. </p>
<p>Full Prompt: We are predisposed to regard any conflict as a clash between good and evil rather than as simply a clash between conflicting interests. We must learn to explore all of the options and possibilities that confront us in a complex and rapidly changing world and to welcome rather than fear the voices of dissent. If we are to act wisely and creatively upon the new realities of our time, we must think and talk about our problems with perfect freedom. Adapted from U. S. Senator James Fulbright, "Old Myths and New Realities"</p>
<p>Assignment: Is disagreement necessary to progress? Plan and write an essay in which you develop your point of view on this issue. Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your reading, studies, experience, and observations.</p>
<p>An ancient proverb states that, "Disagreement is fundamental in the progression of a society." Disagreement between people can lead to progression of the human race. Without disagreement, people would live under their own specific insular beliefs and thus not take in the opinions of those who surround them. This would lead people to develop many idiosyncrasies and in turn, progression among human kind would lack. Thus, disagreement is vital for progression, which can be highlighted through Arthur Miller's play, Death of a Salesman, and through the extravagant live of Pierre Eliotte Trudeau. </p>
<p>Arthur Miller's scintillating play, Death of a Salesman, is an epitome of the negatives of a life without disagreement. The tragic protagonist, Willy Lohman, falls into a deep state of depression when his two sons do not turn out too be successful. Willy, who has lived vicariously through his sons, instills the beliefs in them which lead to their lack of success. In the concluding parts of the play, in order to pull Willy out of his depression, his sons have to disagree with Willy's life teachings and prove to their father that they can succeed in their lives. Unfortunately for the Lohman family, showing their father this dissent proves to be a daunting task for the sons and Willy is led to commit suicide. </p>
<p>Another great example of the positives of disagreement can be seen through the life of Pierre Trudeau. Trudeau was the 15th, and maybe the most controversial of Canada's Prime Minister's. However, many believe that Trudeau ushered in the greatest amount of progress among recent Prime Minister's. A specific example can be seen through the Quebec Refereendum of 1980 in which Trudeau made the controversial decision to promote federalism. He brought about a greater sense of French rights and thus, Quebec made the decision to stay apart of the Canadian landscape. This decision to support Quebec led to Canada maintaining one of the most grandoise nationalistic landscapes in the world. </p>
<p>When disagreements are held, progress is recorded. As human beings, we can only learn from these disputes and progress because of them. As US Senator James Fullbbright once stated, "We must welcome rather than fear the voices of dissent."</p>